Monday, October 11, 2010

La fille qui regarde mûrir ses bananes pis qui trouve ça long.

I was browsing some old topics on New Vogue Children Saumon

And I found back a Jrock/VK survey I did...
Where I was saying that my favourite guitariste was...



Why have I answered this ?! 
Fucking Copy/Paste WHORE.

So I decided to update it here.
It's under the cut cause it's fucking long.


Tabarnak XDDDD

Die: I am more feminine than you'd ever think. [...] Seriously I easily cry recently. Even while walking and listening to music when the scenery and the song randomly overlaps my eyes fill with tears and such.

Seriously, man... help yourself !
I already don't think you're pretty masculine !

And this making me remember something...
Like I was listening to MUCC's 雨のオーケストラ (Ame no orchestra) while walking in the rain
That was a few weeks ago
And it was raining...
And I was all like [sjkdhakfjh T___________T]
Because it was beautiful XD

But this rarely happens...
It also could happen while listenning to Glass Skin
In the rain too...
But other than this, I don't cry easily...
But when I watch Moulin Rouge.... LOL.
There are a few other movies, such as Finding Neverland...
But other than this, no.
I don't cry XD !

Oh yeah, and the quote was coming with this :

He sure as his hair as thick as I have mine XDD
Well.... If I hadn't got them "thinned" lately... 
Like, if I do myself some pigtails, a single one of them is still bigger than if, as for an example, Lillie Joe's pony tail... Eh ?




I just woke up....
I was dreaming....
Like there was Kyo.
Yes Kyo, THE Kyo, like in Dir en grey, yo.
He was entering a house right next to my mother's house...
With a gang of... other people, I don't quite remember who...
But it happened that this house was Kya's house, even though it looked NOTHING like her actual house XD
So I though [Oh god, I must go save him !] (Whut ?!)
So I got in the house but as I reached the room where Kyo was, Kya's mom was blocking the way.. 
I don't quite remember what she was saying, but I was just like... [Oh come on, shut the fuck up -.-]
I finally reached the place which was a reaaaally tiny room oO...
And he looked like really scared
I was like [What ? What's wrong ? What happened ?!]
And he whispered to me with his strong japanese accent [They're after me ! D8] (Yes, with that face !)
So I took his arm and told him to follow me.
I was going to bring him back to my house.
But then, as we went down the stairs, there was a bunch of some ghetto gangsta yo guys
And then, Kyo went all like DDDDDDDDDD8.....
Like almost hiding behind me... L-O-L.
So, the gansta boys yelled some shit to us, and I just answered like [Fuck you ;D]
And we fled to my house.
We were kinda out of breath, so we just let us fall on the random bed there was there.
And then........ It felt as if Kyo didn't know how to thank me for having saved him from the gangsta boys
So he kissed me.
But like in FRENCH KISSING. @_____@
I was like [O___O What the fuck are you doing....... ?!?!?!?!?!?!]
And I woke up still being like O_____________________O;;;

The only thing I can say is that he had really soft lips LOL
But beside this, I.... don't know XD
Seriiously o_o;;;.... 
As if I was a super hero....
And Kyo a damsel in distress LOLOLOLOLOL.
First, why Kyo, eh ? o_ô....
Second, why Kya's house if she weren't there ? (Well... her mother was...)
OH YEAH.  I think it was winter too...

So yeah.... I don't get it XD


It just doesn't feel the same

What an emo title !

Well........ 2 months ago, I had a whole bunch of followers
It seems like they would follow this blog forever
But two months without me updating this blog must have killed them.
I'm aware that I just quite changed my way of blogging but...
I don't know...
Do you think it is annoying ?

I just feel like I'm back at the bottom of the ladder
And that's kinda annoying me...


Lately, on facebook, many photographers added me
So much that I now have adds about taking photography classes LOL.
I don't really know how to take this...
I mean... Why ?
Yes, I kinda enjoy being photographed
And yes, I have many "model" friends
But... I'm not a model.
If they add me, is it cause they want my picture ? o_ô
Shouldn't they ask, then ?

Anyway, I'm just some kind of pretty face
I don't know how to pose or whatever else it is.
I just feel awkward when my picture is being taken, so... =\
Maybe someday I will learn...

This being said, I need a new profile picture...
Though, I'd need my hair to be done...
Cause... yeah... Red is gone since.... Erm...
Last time I did it was back in July or so... XDD
So I've a pretty 2 inches dark root, now LAWL.
I don't know which color to do, now...
And if I should get a specific hair cut...
Actually, I want it to grow...
So I guess I would simply dye it...
Red would still be nice
But I miss my purple head...
BUT.  I can't bleach my hair for a while...
I won't go back to black because of that for sure... =\
So I've been thinking about red... Not as in RED, though...
Just red... As in redhead.
I don't know... I really don't D8


I know that's quite a weird question but I'm gonna ask it! I think you're a very interesting person ! I just LOVE reading your blog and reading about you commenting on stupid fantards xD Would you hate someone because that person likes something you hate?

I'm terribly sorry for the late answer, I haven't got internet for 2 whole months, so... D8...
First of all, thank you ! ♥
Then, to answer you question, no. Unless they are pretty annoying with it XD.... But I've to say that I have a few friends who like Mana... and a few others like oshare kei... While a bunch of others like k-pop... None of those are my cup of tea, but I still have great times with those people~~

Ask it !


Isn't that a Stats tab, up here ?

Yes it is.

GREAT ! Now, why haven't they think about it before ? 
The same goes for the comment thing... 
I mean... Blogger exists since fucking 1999....
Canalblog has the same functions.... But is there since 2003...
And the comments and stats tabs WEREN'T there before I passed two fucking months away from internet.
Seriously, Google.... Come on !

Anyway... There will always be something I'm unhappy with...
Such as Hazuki's hairy armpits or Die's bad fashion tastes....



How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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