Thursday, March 31, 2011



It took like 2 hours
But I finally found a wig.


Why the fuck are these so rare ?! O_O

But anyway
I found it.

Say hi to Hakuei, BTW

Too long, but I'll cut it, no big deal...
I'll style it a bit, too....



I finally purchased my very first corset.

I felt like it was now or never
And voilà.  It was bought.

I'm kinda beginning to reaaaaally think about doing my Jessica Rabbit cosplay
(Yes, that again, but before, it was more on the hypothesis side)
And, I mean... Look at her.

I may be already hourglass shaped
But not THIS much.
But I'll achieve something closer to it 8B

So yeah
I bought an underbust corset
Mostly because I was thinking about this
And that I'm planning to wear one of my old bra 
Which is now too large for me
To have a silhouette closer to hers than I really am
So yeah, an overbust corset wouldn't have made it the way I want it to be.

I'll probably go shopping on Sunday with Lillie Joe
I think I'll go to Dial and see for a strapless dress pattern...
Won't be buying the fabric, though
I'll adjust the pattern first...
And for that, I need my corset
So that I may have the right measurements.
But I'll do it in red.
Cause I prefer red to pink.
(Who will really notice, anyway ?)
Plus, this little while will give me the opportunity to finally decide
Whether I'm doing it in a satin-like fabric or in a glittering one.
(I hate sequin ò_________ó But maybe I can find an alternative....
Her dress is obviously not made in sequin, anyway...
I'm still afraid to look more like a Drag Queen, actually LOL)

But I'll also go see at Ardène
If they have long and white dye-able gloves,
I'll go for them instead of looking for unfindable purple gloves -.-

And I'll look for red shoes too...

Then, I think the only thing that will be missing
Would be the red/orange-ish wig....
If anyone has a good site for wigs
Please tell me ! D:
The worst in that is that my hair would have been to a perfect lenght, this summer...
But OOPS. I shaved a side.
I'll take a peek at eBay ._.

I will need some nude colored tights, too...


And when I'll be done
We'll have to re-do the [I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way] scene 8BBBBBBBBBBBBB


Bon ok.

Comme tous mes retours d'impôts sont arrivés

Et que je me sens riche
Puisque je n'ai absulement jamais eu autant d'argent dans mon compte
Il faut que j'aille m'acheter :
De nouvelles boucles d'oreilles
Un nouveau cellulaire
Des fringues *w*
De nouvelles chaussures feraient de mal à personne non plus ._.
Et puis que je me débarasse de cette madame Ialenti è_é !
Et oh... J'serai bientôt due pour rafraîchir mon rouge et mon côté rasé...

Pourquoi j'écris en français, hein ?! o_o

Et puis voilà, quoi
Je veux aller me faire faire un tattoo prochainement....
Je sais plus si je vais y aller avec l'araignée, les étoiles ou bien l'ouroboros D:
Roh et pis l'ouroboros va chiller pas mal plus que tout le reste è_é
Screw that, ça fait deux ans que j'le veux XP
Enfin, j'vais travailler les samedis pendant quelques semaine, 
Mais une fois que le rush sera passé, 
J'aimerais bien être accompagnée pour aller me magasiner un tatoueur 8B
J'crois que j'vais commencer par leur exposer la chose en leur montrant mon croquis
Puis en leur demandant de le redessiner
Pour finalement choisir celui... ou celle... qui a fait celui que j'aime le plus, voilà...
Enfin quoi, l'araignée, c'est no big deal, les étoiles non plus
C'est tout petit et peu détaillé, donc j'arrive à les redessiner
(Quoi que les étoiles, n'importe qui arriverait à faire ça LOL)
Mais l'ouroboros est plutôt gros et détaillé...
J'aurais vraiment voulue être chumy avec Kaoru pour qu'il me le dessine LOL.

Voilà, j'dois aller bosser D:



There's only me to download KoRn's discography

Along with an Andrea Bocelli Best Of.... Lulz.

Like monday or something
Mythomanya came to say me
And I noticed that Thursday would be March 31st.
What's on that Thursday ?
(Beside the paycheck, you know... lawl)
I must say that if I haven't been on LiveJournal just now
I would have forgotten
Thinking about it
I haven't mentioned anything about three of them...
*cough*looks at her previous post*cough*
I guess I just have some life priorities............................. LOL.

Today's Toshiya's birthday. 
That's all.
I'm right when I say that
I haven't talked about Kyo's, Kaoru's and Shinya's right ? ._.
It's not as if I had forgotten my friends' birthday...............
OH WAIT.................................................
Ok, I'm lame.
*gets out*

*comes back*
I want a stole like hers :

I hope I don't have pro-Peta readers >____>


How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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