Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Smoke Proudly !

Subject: To Die-san

From October the prices of tabacoo will go up so if there is a trick to stop smoking, please teach me.

Die: You shouldn't be beaten by a price hike. You are paying taxes so smoke proudly.

Aaaaah man...
I mean... What were you expecting as advice to stop smoking from a smoker ?!?!? >XDDD

But yeah...
Smoke proudly ! 

I just love this XDD
They've all such bad influence ♥

Bonus cause it's still related  :

Subject: To Kaoru-san

There will soon be a price hike on tabacoo.
Did Kaoru-san buy in bulk?
For the record I could only buy 10 cartons (cries)

Kaoru: I didn't buy. Before I knew it, it was already October.

Like I went to a place I usually got to buy my cigarettes
And when I went to pay
I was expecting paying $7.95
As usual..
But then no...
Ah ?
Oh yeah... whatever...



DVDs, anyone ?

New place to put my DVDs...
I'm not sure I will like it
Because of the doors
But at least
They all fit in
And they will be more accessible this way

There doesn't seem to be much of them like this
But there are 133 boxes
And around 150 movies in there XD

Everything from A to F on the top shelf.
Addams FamilyFrom Hell
G to L on second shelf.
Gentlemen Prefer BlondesLittle Princess 
(Along with The Secret Garden since it's a double feature box)
M to R on third shelf.
Mars Attacks !The Rocky Horror Picture Show
S to Y cause there is no Z movie (yet) on the last shelf.
SawYo-yo Girl Cop

I think we can see most of them 
When clicking the picture
Except a few because of the angle
Such as
The Fifth Element
Kill Bill Vol.2
Pulp Fiction
Quest to Camelot
Red Dragon 
And we can barely see the titles of
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Ginger Snaps
Girl, Interrupted
The GodFather
Gone With The Wind
Because of the flash
But oh well...

I feel accomplished, now.



Oh !!!

It is a picture of myself  \(o A o)/
I haven't been ironing (?) straightening my hair in a long time...
I thought of taking a picture...
It came out not so bad... Haha
I almost never take pictures with my glasses on
Even though I wear them everyday...
(´ . ` ;)
It's not fair for people who meet me for the first time
Hahaha !
So yeah...

I feel like my lips look bigger than the usual (´ . ` ;)


How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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