Thursday, September 24, 2009

Maudit xDDD

J'ai tellement "Que je t'aime" dans la tête.... Mais.... Ta gueule XD;;; estie....


Funeral for Humanity

I would like to see this for real.  Like.... A REAL FUNERAL FOR THE WHOLE HUMANITY >8D

Estie que c'est mauvais, les clips de BLOOD LOL...


Pis estie que fu-ki fait des faces de Ju-on XDDD <3 Pis que ça y fait pas bien, les cheveux blonds pis la face blanche x_X....


Trucy is watching some Aikaryu vids on YouTube.

Et allait dire MySpace au lieux de YouTube.... M'enfin...

Bon.   I miss Aikaryu quite much... Quite much like in pretty much 8B but still..... I understand taht ULI can't drum anymore when I see this :

The black car was theirs o_o....
They're all pretty lucky that no one died in this, considering the state of the car o_o;....

And I'm fucking missing BLOOD, merde >_>.... D8....
Fanh... I'll switch from Aikaryu to BLOOD XD <3

J'ai si peur d'puis qu'j'ai pu rien de toué (8)



MySpace's Kyo and Twitter's Kyo are related.... (Or they're online AT THE SAME FREAKING TIME)
I was in the same dilemma, back in the time, with MySpace's one...
So I still don't know if it's real or not..... >_>
Kinda bugs meh.


Worse and worser, fuck shit, ostie XDDD

Hi, Trucydae Theadviling.

京 (DirengreyKyo) is now following your tweets on Twitter.


Thank you Jrockers XDDDDDDDDDD !

Okay, look... I have to quote a few things, even if it's probably a fake :
I am not troll. I am transaction of substance. My power is known entirely eventually.
As your saying, Sir ! xD; Just made me think about some stupid fanfictions where jrockers where shouting names to others... XD Bad thing.  I don't want to imagine Mana and Kyo arguing, y'know... LOL. (Actually, that would be awefully funny X'D)

Learned the fact that we probably will use some Trent Reznor of small-numbered month exactly. Kaoru makes large decision always

I didn't understand what was doing Trent Reznor in the sentence, but HEY I'M SO SURPRISED TO SEE KAORU AND TRENT REZNOR AND LARGE DECISION IN THE SAME SENTENCE.  But that tells me it's some good news 8D. If not fake that is.

Kaoru does not know that I have used this. Secret maintain that.
Now he surely knows, isn't it ? XD
Well, guys, now, if you wasn't sure about it, well.... Yeah, Kaoru's the boss =B

I'm almost sure that this isn't THE Kyo using that Twitter, some thing makes me a bit unsure about it... Like the sentences structures, mainly... It's really........ Japanese. XD; There's also a few tweets that I can imagine that he would have said this.... But some are like..... OKay.... Fake ? Let's see what's happening next 8B !!!!

J'aime pas que dans mes tags, quand je veux écrire "TWItter", ça me suggère "TWIlight" D8... Bleeeeh... I'll keep on peeing on that... Thing.


AH yeah....

Welcome to the SPOOK HOUSE !


My legs look twisted caue of my tights XDD
I had some hard time with this one's contrast.... I'm still not satisfied even though my right arm is already blending in th sky LOL.

This one's blurry, but I like it anyway.... Seems almost wicked <3

Just for the song..... and because Peggy is so fucking cute <3


I also like...

The fact that someone from Tokyo saw my blog and looked at my tags.... TAGS SUCH AS : Ryonai, Blam Honey, Gothika, Dj Chihiro (Hein j'ai un tag de lui, moi ? XD; ), GPKISM, Drag Queen, Hossy (who is someone like the Queen of the Drag Queens in Japan, if I understood well...), BodyLine (Wut ? XD), Kalm, Gothic and BLOOD.

I REALLY wonder who is this, eh XDDDDDDD




LOL ça j'aime ça XDDDDD


Host Name *censure 8BBB*

IP Address *censure 8BBB*

Country Japan

Region Hyogo

Ouais, bon, faudrait que j'arrête de fangirler sur un type que j'suis pas censée fangirler dessus XDDD


I LOV'D D'YOU, PIGGY !!!!!!!!!!!

Guess what ? She just laughed at it.

Which means that she read it.  BUT SHE HAVEN'T GOT THE BALLS TO ANSWER TO ME YET.
And because of this message, if ever she still does read my blog (which she used to do and which I don't really think she still does), she will send to me one one of her dearest friend to kick my ass.

HAHAHA.  Isn't life wonderful ?! I can predict the future !

ホホホホホホホホホホ~ !!!

Okay, I'm bitchin, now, quite the usual stuff, after all, cause even if I'm currently wearing some boyish baggy pants, well I'M A GUUUURL.  But yeah, I'm not angry or close to tears or anything else... I must say that I'm quite glad, actually... Cause she seems to be way more happier than she used to... And after all, that's all I ever wanted... Her to be happy...
Though, I'm still quite disapointed about the "CRISS J'PEUX PAS TE SENTIR" since I haven't got any answer to my "why" and well.... I hate to not understand probably as much as you absolutely LOOOOVE to hate me, darling~ (pis sûrement que j'vais me faire dire que ça me concernait pas et tout ça blablabla.... Mais tsé..... I'm not THAT much of a dummy....)

You know... yesterday when I just lost control of myself and that it ended up on my blog, I came to think about the fact that maybe I still loved her... Mais elle a le dont de rendre les choses claires : No, I don't.

Ça veut pas dire pour autant que j'vais laisser leurs chances aux otakus-mangâ-narouto-yo pis aux amateurs de GNs qui me courent après, ah ça non ! J'vais garder le peu de fierté qui me reste pour mettre ça ailleurs, estie o_o !!

Mais ouin.... One thing that she tends to not get is that, in this moment, I am honnest.  I lied for a lot of thing, but when it comes to the heart and feelings and everything like this, I just can't lie, it's too hard.... Pis Dieu seul sait combien j'suis lâche... XD;;
So yeah, I still want to know why it turned this way, sweety~ After you'll have tell me, I won't ever bother you again, I promise.
I just thought enough time would have been passed....

Ah and... You surely showed that mail to everyone, isn't it ? =) How pathetic am I ! Dear !


How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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