Monday, August 10, 2009

( .__.)

Selon le DSM-IV, il faut au moins 5 des 9 critères présents pendant un laps de temps significatif :

1. Efforts effrénés pour éviter un abandon réel ou imaginé.
2. Mode de relations interpersonnelles instables et intenses caractérisées par l'alternance entre les positions extrêmes d'idéalisation excessive et de dévalorisation.
3. Perturbation de l'identité : instabilité marquée et persistante de l'image ou de la notion de soi.
4. Impulsivité dans au moins deux domaines potentiellement dommageables pour le sujet (par ex., dépenses excessives, sexualité, toxicomanie, conduite automobile dangereuse, crises de boulimie ou d'anorexie)
5. Répétition de comportements, de gestes ou de menaces suicidaires, ou d'automutilations.
6. Instabilité affective due à une réactivité marquée de l'humeur (par exemple, dysphorie épisodique intense, irritabilité ou anxiété durant habituellement quelques heures et rarement plus de quelques jours)
7. Sentiments chroniques de vide.
8. Colères intenses (rage) et inappropriées ou difficulté à contrôler sa colère (par ex., fréquentes manifestations de mauvaise humeur, colère constante ou bagarres répétées, colère subite et exagérée)
9. Survenue transitoire dans des situations de stress d'une idéation persécutoire ou de symptômes dissociatifs sévères.

J'en ai 6 sur 9 ( .__.)
J'avais toujours un doute, mais bon... Enfin... comme ils disent :
« Avoir une personnalité borderline n'est pas un drame en soi... car après avoir acquis une bonne conscience de ses vulnérabilités, les traits de personnalité d'hier générateurs de difficultés (trouble relationnel, chaos intense, sentiment de vide, rage, etc.) deviennent des générateurs de potentialités (intelligence émotionnelle, hypersensibilité, passion, authenticité, spontanéité, compassion, etc.). »
— Dr Évens Villeneuve, Professeur agrégé Université Laval, Président du comité de l'admission au Programme de doctorat en médecine, Directeur adjoint du département universitaire de psychiatrie, Chef du Programme de traitement des Troubles sévères de personnalité, Institut universitaire en santé mentale Robert-Giffard
Déjà que j'en ai conscience, c'est un pas vers le mieux... À condition que j'arrête de m'appitoyer sur mon moi-même _|¯¯|o


Aaaah bon....

Le trouble de la personnalité limite (ou trouble de la personnalité borderline) est un trouble de la personnalité qui s'exprime par des humeurs changeantes, par des relations humaines délicates, par un manque de confiance en soi-même et aussi par des comportements auto-agressifs.

Voilà, maintenant j'sais le terme français @_@...


Ça je trouve ça ben drôle :

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7th August 2009 11:56:10
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Sogetel (XX.XX.XXX.XXX) Pop [Edit Label]

Ouin... Vraiment 8BB
C'est pas toi, le tag "I hate you"... En fait j'avais même pas pensé à en faire un o_ô....

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Videotron Ltee (XX.XXX.XX.XXX) Mize [Edit Label]
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K-Pop against Visual Kei.

Recently, Visual Kei is becoming quite dull and totally uniterresting, according to many fans. Those fans who also tend to go into K-pop, instead.

Many have arguments like : it's cheaper, it's different... I hate how commercial VK is becomming.

Please, let me laugh.

Of course, it's cheapper ! Stuff made in China are also cheaper and you can get way more than stuff made in Canada but have you seen the way the people who do this are treated ? Kinda Poorly.... Yeah.
Like those Suju guys.... 15 boys living together. 24/7, 365 days a year...... While in Japan, they all have their own appartment, at least....
Those say K-Popers are in studios, on the TV, on the Radio and on tour.... AT THE SAME TIME. When are they sleeping ?
And that's just a part of things I could say about this point...

Then comes the point of "it's different" and "I hate how commercial VK is becomming".
Of course, it's different from VK... but it's still POP.

I almost feel bad I have erased Mize from my readers, with this..... *roll eyes*
And NO. I am NOT making comparison between K-Pop and J-Pop since I don't know a shit about J-Pop but Ayu who is half deaf and stuff... but yeah...


I'm doing a wapanese quizz.

01. Which song is your favorite at the moment?
¤ Oh... I feel like listening Ophelia and Rose Kingdom....

02. Which songs touches you emotionally?
¤ For the moment, I guess I can says whatever including Jasmine You D8

03. What's your favorite track(s) on MIRROR (D'espairsRay's album) ?
¤ Oky, I'm keeping the original ones... I've to go see what's on that album but Mirror... Okay, then... Mirror, but I liked Hollow pretty much too XDD

04. If you should introduce someone to Girugamesh, what song would you show them?

05. Which song's lyrics will be impossible for you to learn?

¤ Criss de Vidoll Indies à marde D8< 06. What was your VERY FIRST j-rock song?
¤ Pessimiste from Moi dix Mois

07. But then, what was your first favorite artist/band?
¤ Back at this time..... I guess it was something like Evanescence XD

08. What is your newest downloaded concert?
¤ Ooff..... Eeeeeeh.... Ah... lynch.'s bootleg thingie, I guess...

09. In which song did you get the most impressed by Kyo's (Dir en Grey) vocals?
¤ skjdhakshdkjahs o_o;..... I must admit that the fucked up unplugged songs are vocally amaaaaaazing o_o...

10. Is there a song, that you heard a lot about, but was to lazy to hear, and when you finally decided to put it on, it was fantastic?
¤ BLOOD criss XD; It's not a song, but a band... BUT WHO CARES.

11. Where can you find the best drums?
¤ Dunno... I'm not much of a drummer, so I can't tell.

12. Which band was better than expected?
¤ ..... I must admit that I first was scared that Versailles would be shitty since everyone talked about them... But Lyrical Sympathy was good.... But that's all...
No need to mention about Bathroom.

13. Bands you heard an unlucky song with, and didn't like, but later on heard another song, that was better, and you started to like the band.
¤ .... o_ô I don't fucking know.... I could have said Da'vid/shito:aL but even though people were like : OMG LISTEN TO THAT, BAD VOCALS OMG... I was just like.... : Hum.. okay ? I don't really see where's the FUUUUUUUUUUCKING bad vocals.....

14. Mention a very spooky album.
¤ C'est vrai que Blam Honey, c'est spooky, quand on y pense oO.....

15. First Gazette song. j'le garde aussi
¤ Ouf o_o......... I don't know o_o truc Linda, maybe... or no[666] o_o I should listen to my old copilation to tell...

16. Band(s) you heard a lot good about, but don't like yourself.

17. Deepest vocals.
¤ Veux-tu VRAIMENT qu'on en parle ?

18. A band that screams a lot too much, but is lovely.
¤ LOL. I like screams, y'know. Dir en grey, then 8B and lynch.... and DEATHGAZE even if it sounds all the same ( ._.)

19. On iTunes, the most heard song.
¤ iTunes sucks shit pickles =3
So LastFM tells me : La Lune by Satsuki with 140 plays.

20. Songs that makes you wanna jump.
¤ Guh... I don't wanna jump

21. Artists you definately don't like.
¤ GPK. XDDD most of K-popers and current Jrockers too.

22. A beautiful female voice, that is worth mentioning.
¤ Moé pis mes extrêmes, on est pas capable de choisir, c'est jamais assez bon.

23. Song that has horrible vocals, but is damn cute.
¤ Baaaaaah, dunno... usually, went vocals are THAT horrible, I don't listen to it.

24. This song has great, change of rhythm, headbanglove music, but I hate the vocals!
¤ See previous question.

25. A song that was better than expected.
¤ Bathroom D8

26. What's your favorite non-japanese band(s)?
¤ Angelspit, The Birthday Massacre and Evanescence ? .______.

27. The songs you've headbanged to the most.
¤ I don't headbang, my brain would hurt D8

28. What was your first concert?
¤ Carmen Campagne LOL More seriously, it was Evanescence~

29. Your favorite An café song?
¤ Probably Odoru Meruhen Tokei \o/

30. An amusing, relaxed, beautiful male-voice.
¤ ..................................................................... Eh.... Dunno.
Edit : SATSUKIIIIIIIII D8< 31. After your opinion, what's the best j-pop-artists?
¤ Hum.... I like Nakashima Mika and Onitsuka Chihiro.....

32. Prettiest bishie(s).
¤ TAbarnak XD y'a encore du monde qui dit ça XDDDD
Ouf... XDDD
Back in the time when I was seriously saying this, it was Die XD
Now add : Kaya ♥, Jui, Ruiza, Jasmine You ;__;., Tatsuhi, Hazuki, Hiko even if she's a girl and the same goes for Exo-Chika since you said BISHI -> Bisho -> Bishonen/Bishoujo. AHAH.

33. VERY interesting music!!
¤ Kaya =BBBBB Well... More seriously.... Kaya 8B... Since he can do anything.... And Dir en grey since they are fucking rockstars, bitches ! >8D

34. A song where Satsuki (Rentrer en Soi) impresses you the most.
¤ suihkadshkjsahdkjahdkjhjk D8 don't make me choose ! AAAAAH I found an answer to #30

35. Naughty people.
¤ Nightmare, back in the time XD

36. Who has got the cutest smile?
¤ (°A°; )

35. Who says the cutest MC (member comment).
Kaya, obviously.

36. Who's the best choreography-maker.
Actually, I guess Yui does, but since none of the CGD are synchronized................. ô_ô....

37. A cool "single-theme".
¤ I prefer cool band overall theme.

38. What's the prettiest voiceless (instrumental) song?
¤ (°A°; )

39. The most dorky band.
¤ Vidoll étaient ben bons, dans le temps

40. Most spooky band.

41. Oshare/Visual beautiest beauty.
¤ Beautiest isn't a word.
But it is obviously Kaya. And oshare sucks.


Kaya finally wrote about it on his blog.

He said that a few days after his birthday, he got a message saying something like "I'm sorry, I'm late, but Happy Birthday anyway" from Jasmine and they were supposed to celebrate together... but seems like this won't ever happen....

And then he goes dramatic, saying things like :
I've been told the world is changing
He said we'll see each other in the future, I still wish...
I don't believe the truth
I'm praying...
Though, the only thing I can do is singing...
Hopefully he'll reach some peace...

Then he asks for support for Jasmine's family and for Versailles' members...
And sends much love to him...

(; . ;)


Now I understand why people put this in their fics.

People who cried so much that their head hurt.

.... I, who hardly cry, have now cried enough for the 10 next year...
I who have to almost force herself to cry at her grand fathers' funerals...
I who haven't been able to cry when my ex dumped me...

I. Don't. Get. It.

I can barely see you with all these tears D8<


Fuck there's memorial everywhere !

I can't fucking stop the tears from flooding my cheeks DX


How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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