Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I don't like when...

My friends say they aren't pretty.....

In comparison to others.

No one is pretty when they are compared to someone else.
I mean...
Compare me to Angelina Jolie and I'm not pretty anymore, eh....

People just have to be their own selves.
They have to accept themselves...
A girl who sincerely thinks she is not pretty
Won't be pretty for anyone...
There is a certain glow coming from people who accept themselves the way they are...
I think that's how people can be pretty.

It's not a make-up or clothing story...
It's just about self acceptance.

Just so you know...
I have no ugly friends.
Just sayin...

And it's not because I don't wanna be friends with someone ugly.
It's because it just happened that way.
Anyway, I think everyone can be pretty...
They just have to stop thinking they aren't
And give themselves a chance...

2 comment(s):

Sven November 10, 2010 at 1:27 p.m.  

Il y a des personnes que je croisais dans la rue mais que je ne trouvais pas belles, objectivement parlant. Je ne les trouvais pas moche non plus ceci dit. Mais quand j'ai commencé à connaitre les personnes, je leur ai trouvé un certain charme. ça doit tenir de l'aura que chacun dégage.

Trucydae November 10, 2010 at 1:37 p.m.  

Oui ben voilà, quoi ._.
Faut pas se comparer aux autres, de toute facon....
Le gazon est toujours plus vert chez le voisin........

How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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