Monday, December 07, 2009

I deffinitly LOVE Anne Rice

 ADVICE TO A NEW WRITER: There are no rules in this profession. Do what is good for you. Read books and watch films that stimulate your writing. In your writing, go where the pain is; go where the pleasure is; go where the excitement is. Believe in your own original approach, voice, characters, story. Ignore critics. HAVE NERVE. BE STUBBORN.

"Write about what you know" is tricky advice. If I'd followed it, I would never have written 11 books about European vampires, or books about a bewitched family of psychic people. I say "Write what you want to write. Write the book you want to read. Write what delights you."

No, you don't need any formal education to be a writer. And remember nobody can stop you from being a writer. Just do it. And yes, ignore critics. You have to. Many great writers got scathing reviews from peers and critics. Forge ahead.


4 comment(s):

aelin ueal December 9, 2009 at 12:53 a.m.  

tiens, hier j'avais pas remarqué que le coeur était violet au milieu

Trucydae December 10, 2009 at 10:54 a.m.  

Ben le contraire aurait été surprenant XD
Le fait qu'elle soit pas honnête l'aurait pas rendue attachante, non plus XDD

How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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