Friday, September 25, 2009

C'est ben la première fois que j'ramène des news en revenant du blog de Jui

Seems like they'll have a new PV soon. But I don't like Jui's hair, as usual, since they became MAJORPOOPOO.

Pi slui aussi prend des photos de ses nouvelles bobettes, ostie !

And I'm gaining interest into SIZNA's blog, lately.... Not that it's becoming more interresting but.... Maybe I want to know him more so that I could have a new perfect pairing now that Juka is like...... Not suiting Kaya too well anymore and that I don't like Versailles' Kamijo XD;;; And I'm pretty much convinced that Hora isn't gay so.... It's kinda hard to write the usual cheezy yaoi romance with this LOL.
I could have chosen Ochi, though but........ Ouin.... Seems like he left and don't write on the CGD's blog anymore...
OMG TALKING ABOUT THIS. The Japanese visitor, the one from Tokyo who looked at all my goffick tags.... (s)he (I'm still convinced it's a boy, though...) came back and looked for Kaya related tags, this time.... INCLUDING THE CGD TAG. LOL.   Next time, I'll burst into laughters, okay ?
Which reminds me that I have a CGD and a Crazy Gay Dancer tag..... I think I'll remove the CGD one... the other is more appealing LOL.

By the way....
Hello, Japanese visitor(s) =3 !!

And a last by the way.... I'm sorry for french reading readers.... J'avais tellement commencé à écrire ça en anglais alors que j'parle surtout à ceux qui le comprennent pas LOL. C,est beau gilles, mais ouin.... Pour mes lecteurs francophone, j'suis désolée.... Mais je sais que la plupart d'entre vous comprennent assez bien l'anglais, mais je sais aussi qu'ils en a quelques-uns qui pigent pas trop... Désolée, vraiment.... vous sentez pas délaissés !! J'vous aime quand même, seulement, ça vient plus facilement en anglais, depuis quelques jours...

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