Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Test laite #2139826464,3

1. Write your LJ username

2. Write your two favorite bands/groups at the moment (not overall, just currently)
3. Write either I ♥ k-pop ; I ♥ j-pop ; I ♥ c-pop (this isn't really for anything, just to see how you draw hearts XD)
4. Write the name of your favorite person of all time.
5. Write down your recently favored person.
6. Tag people to do the meme.

C'est pas vraiment clair hein... ?

1. trucydae
2. euh... Lol... that's a good question, actually... hum... BLOOD & Dir en grey
3. I ♥ Visual Kei
4. When I'm looking at my left wrist, I tend to say Kaya... Wonder why...
5. ................
(J'ai vraiment fait une face de " euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh..........................." XDDDDD) huh...
6. Yeah, Whatever... Jesus, Henri, Elvis, Marlene Dietrich, Charles Aznavour & Einstein.
Pourquoi j'ai l'impression que quand j,vais aller voir le commentaire que j'ai en attente de publication, j'vais me retrouver face à un "hate mail" ? LOL.

2 comment(s):

Anonymous,  March 4, 2009 at 9:37 a.m.  

Bon, allez, j'suis malade et je m'emmerde, donc...

P.S. Today's word verification: "genri"

Bwahahahahahhahahahahahaha !!!!!

Trucydae March 4, 2009 at 12:18 p.m.  

J'suis triste de pas en avoir de word verification ;_; !!!

How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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