Monday, February 02, 2009


Ouais ben dans le fond, Perverse Rendezvous, ça se passerait avant Pourriture Noble, comme je pensait... mais genre....

Lyrics translation :

Every night I gazed, breath baited,
up at the window to your room
Watching your profile as you smiled and laughed
with someone I don't know

Rose red lips
And long lashes too
Everything so adorable about you

You're noticing it by now, aren't you?
How you love me more than the one who's with you?

I'll stop the clock hand, silently
So no one will notice we've gone
And won't let any of them bother us
On our very own rendevous

Golden manacles, and sparkling chains
And a black-laced blindfold

Stay still, don't move...
you're a good boy, aren't you...
no need to be afraid...
Don't worry; I won't give you up
I'll lay her to rest
gently beaneath the flowerbeds

Once I've snatched you lets run far away
To a place where no one will catch us
We'll sleep among the flowers there, so pretty...
Let us confess there, true love eternally

I'll stop the clock hand, silently
So no one will notice we've gone
And won't let any of them bother us
On our very own rendevous

Every night I sing just for you
And enter into your grave too
Could there ever be such happiness?

So please, hurry up and notice me..
So, first of all, on comprend pourquoi on entend une respiration dans la toune, genre... (C'est pu Jon the Stalker, c'est rendu Kaya the Stalker XDDDD)
Ensuite, ben (ouais j'veux écrire "ben" pis j'écris "genre"..... C'est beau Gilles...), là dans le fond y dit qui est tombé en amour avec un type qui a déjà une copine, mais y'essaie de le convaincre de changé de bord.

Pis c'est comme si y manquait la transition entre les deux, mais Pourriture Noble, c'est qui l'a eu le gars, comme y voulait, sauf que ça va plus super bien avec... Pis qui se rendait compte que ça allait plus bien, sauf qui s'entêtait à rester avec quand même, fait que ça a fini par ± s'envenimer pis...... c'est devenu plsu physique qu'autre chose.... (finalement, les paroles de Pourriture Noble font pas mal Schwarz Stein-esque, pour tout dire....)

So lyrics translation too :

Heated by lies
Humid with lies
They reign in this secret rose room

At the depth of a dream
As it sweetly degrades

I'll bind your throat with silken thread
So you can't escape again
And stamp you with a rosemark brand, I'll raise you
In a garden that silently breaks

Just say the words and
I'll become a flower
I'll become a bird
A doll too
I'll even become a whore for you

So don't let your eyes stray
Don't speak
Don't move
Live only for me

And don't go anywhere
Kneel down; kiss me
Swear eternity upon this rose
A toast to this love
Only I am reality!

It beautifully corrodes

I'll bind your throat with silken thread
So you can't escape again
And stamp you with a rosemark brand, I'll raise you
In a garden that silently breaks

We'll sink deep down
Hands bound in thorns
Murmuring love with rose-red lips

For fully matured sins
Will turn to honey

Affection saturates
Mon amour

Faut que j'trouve la toune de transition =B

7 comment(s):

00000000 February 2, 2009 at 10:51 p.m.  

Les lyrics de Perverse Rendezvous me font peur U____________U
Kaya pis ses maudits trips de bondage, y doit surement tres bin sentendre avec Közi D8

Trucydae February 2, 2009 at 11:08 p.m.  

Le pire, c'est que ça ferait un couple pas pire pareil XDDD

00000000 February 2, 2009 at 11:16 p.m.  

javais lintention de pluger un trip bdsm Kaya/Közi dans ma fic depuis le tout début pis quand javais lu la traduction de Perverse Rendezvous jai fait comme... ouin... cest vraiment inspirant X'D

my god que tous mes pairings sont nowhere D8

Trucydae February 2, 2009 at 11:26 p.m.  

On aime ça, les pairing nowhere 8DDD

Anonymous,  February 3, 2009 at 7:44 a.m.  

C'est fucking quétaine LOL

00000000 February 3, 2009 at 3:45 p.m.  

Tellement <3
Parce quon est toutes des révoltées du GacktxMana X'D

Trucydae February 3, 2009 at 5:17 p.m.  

Orly : LOL genre XDDD
Kasu : J'sais, mais j'aime ça d'même XD

How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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