Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Calling yourself Kamija Gacktina is freaking ridiculous.

Aaaaaah my god.

I don't remember went was the last time I got this sick LOL
I actually don't really feel sick...
Besides that I cough, sneeze and my nose is congested
So are my ears... but like...
From the inside ?
I mean.. I hear sounds perfectly
But when I speak... 
I can't hear it correctly XD;;
And I hate it cause I'm afraid to speak to loud D8
And my eyes are always watery...
In the end, I do feel sick
But I haven't the down feeling usually going with it XD

Oh wait.
I've been sick this fall...
But I guess I was mostly coughing...
So much I almost choked myself a few times LOL

How can someone laugh at being sick ?
Better laugh than cry at it, I guess...
But still... I'm pretty rarely sick, so whatever XD

Is it only in Québec that people mistake a cold for flu ?
Cause I know that I have a cold
But people keep telling me things like 
[Oh you have the flu !]
And I'm like... No, I've a cold...
(BTW, Flu en anglais c'est grippe, hein... LOL. Juste au cas...)

2 comment(s):

Anonymous,  March 30, 2012 at 11:50 a.m.  

Ti scrivo e ti rispondo in italiano dato che sei stata così maleducata/o da citarmi,quindi se vuoi vattelo a tradurre quello che scrivo.
Sono Kamija Gacktina...
e tu come ti permetti di intitolare un post nominando la mia pagina privata facebook e offendomi? spero proprio che tu lo tolga,ma più che per me,per la figura di merda che ci fai.E'proprio vero,molti francesi son proprio stronzi nei confronti di noi italiani,e questo ne è l'esempio.Poi...motivo per aver scritto una cosa del genere scusa? ma chi cazzo sei?

Anonymous,  March 30, 2012 at 11:59 a.m.  

P.S. tra l'altro,sei pure un emerito cesso.Quindi caspico perfettamente a questo punto l'invidia e la rabbia con cui parli.

How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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