Thursday, December 10, 2009

I wasn't fucking expecting this XD

Almost everyday, at job, the guy who's working at Teinturerie Française Roseraie is calling so that we may send him the delivery truck.  And he's always liek hello, it's me, how are you blablabla, but... Everytime he was saying his name, I was hearing Carl.
But today he came here because some sewing couldn't have been done where he was working and... I was expecting a normal guy with maybe a bit of acnea cause he's like... between 17 ans 20 of age but... First, he was asian... and second, his name's not Carl, but Cam, eh !
I don't know if it showed that I was actually surprised, but... I was XD

Non mais estie, j'm'attendais vraiment à un pichou, j'pas fine, bâtard XD

But I think he wasn't expecting some girl with blonde and black hair like mine and as tall as I am, from the look on his face... LOL

En plus au téléphone tantôt y m'a demandé combien ça couterait, c'te réparation là mais mes feuilles de prix avaient comme crissé le camps presque en arrière du tiroir caisse, fait que j'étais comme.... "bon ça serait pas lon D8" en train de gosser avec un support pour récupérer les feuilles XD;;;
Fait que ouin, grosse péripétie XD

2 comment(s):

Kasumi,  December 10, 2009 at 7:44 p.m.  

"I was heard Carl" c'est pas un peu bizarre comme tournure de phrase? .___.
Sinon ouin j'aime ça XD

Trucydae December 10, 2009 at 9:22 p.m.  

Ouin c'est que j'ai changé de tournure de phrase en court de route, pis ouin... XDDD

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