Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stolen to MAD 8D

Rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following. They MUST be real places, names, things ... NOTHING made up! If you can't think of anything, skip it.
Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial.
And remember - you CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

. Your Name: Trucydae

. Famous Artist/Band/Musician: *repense à tantôt* ESTIE TOSHIYA, CRISS D8 >_> Chinese Farmer

. A song: Transonica by Hora =B

. 4 letter word: Twit

. Color: Turquoise

. Gifts/present: T................ TENTOMON o_o LOL

. Vehicle: Toyota =BBBB

. Animal: T........ Tutankhamen ? LOL okais non, Tortue.

. TV Show: TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT............................Télé-Achat (H)


. Boy Name: T........ Tracy Sketchit ;D

. Girl Name: Tanya

. Drink: Tequila o_ô

. Occupation: Torturing people =BBBB

. Sport: TTTtttttttttttttttt......... toilette 8D okais, okais non........ Tennis.

. Flower: Tulipe (estie que j'cherchais un nom compliqué pour fucking rien XDDDD)

. Celebrity: MOÉ. ah.... non ça commence pas par T ;_;... Ben Trucy, d'abord =BBBB ... OKais d'bord.... Travolta, mais tsé..................... Toshiya le chinese french canadian farmer bucheron 8D

. Food: Tournedos (de poulet =BB)

. Something found in a kitchen: THÉIÈRE ! (parce que tsé KAYA DANS LA FIC À KASUUU !)

. Reason for Being Late: ........ J'allais encore écrire Toilette, mais ouin Typing a fic, c'est moins mongole XD;;

. Cartoon Character: Tintin =BBB

. Something You Shout: TIN MON ESTIE !

. Store: T.... ouin ben Taverne pis Tim Horton's c'Est pas vraiment des shops, hein..... ESTIE MAN, J'SAIS PAS C'EST QUOI MAIS T SHOP !

Zut, c'est fini ;_;.... j'voulais en faire plus è_é

2 comment(s):

00000000 April 17, 2009 at 2:35 a.m.  


Ouin bin... *steals*

Trucydae April 17, 2009 at 6:31 a.m.  

c'Est vraiment beau, j'étais tellement vedge XDDD

How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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