Friday, April 02, 2010

Hey !

Maybe you've been fooled by me previous post ?
Haha ! <3
I didn't plan it, this year... Just woke up and felt like talking about Malice Mizer LOL.
Which is kinda weird cause I usually don't know the date when I wake up... XD

MAY 22nd.
@Le Bar Octobre.
Putré-Fashion's... Fashion Show.
I'm modeling.
(Along with Lillie Joe and Matsuro and a few other I'm not sure of who exactly they are...)
You must come.
(Or Mistress Theadviling will punish you... And you WON'T like it.)

By the way, Putré-Fashion kicks some major ass... So I'm serious when I say that you must come.
Or if you prefer suffering... Well... You must be some kind of masochist. HA !

2 comment(s):

Shuro April 2, 2010 at 5:24 p.m.  

Me reste plus qu'à jouer à l'Euro-millions pour me payer le billet d'avion...


Trucydae April 2, 2010 at 5:42 p.m.  

Ahaha XD bonne chance <3

How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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