Trucy still remembers how to draw.
The Rules: Don't take too long to think about it. 15 films that you've seen that will always stick with you (mine are in no particular order). Take no more than 15 minutes to decide. Tag 15 friends , including me, because I am interested in seeing what films you chose.
Now I know.
Because it sums up everything Dir can do (or could do up to 2008) in less than 10 minutes.
Read more...Seriously...
Catchy title is catchy.
I got back into gaming.
And not really paying attention
It was revealed some time ago that the band would be revived with the following lineup: Hayato from SaTaN on vocals, Kiwamu from GPKISM on guitar, Azami from project-Merrow- on bass and Dora from kenllre on drums.Kiwamu has now revealed some more information about the revival, starting with a concert. On June 4th BLOOD will play their 4th period 1st live concert at Meguro Rockmaykan. In addition to this, on June 15th they will release their first maxi single of the revival, titled Bathory.
I actually tried to capture what I was seeing in the mirror in front of me.
Please, god, no D:
Subject: Die-san
Recently, is there something like a my boom [addiction]?
Die: I endlessly love cats too much
I wasn't going to mention this on my blog
I don't usually care about hypocrites
Ok, so...
I don't care about healthy food.
Every single one person on this planet
↑ Lol.
#ZodiacFacts If things come too easily,#Sagittarius likely to lose interest. They love it when you play hard to get
#Sagittarius can be deeply responsible, but they don't like being reminded by other people of their responsibilities.
#Sagittarius never differentiate between good, old, or best friends.
#Sagittarius like living on the edge, and that means drawing interesting, even bizarre, people into their orbit
A #Sagittarius particular challenge is to stay true to their ideas without being intimidated by the objections of others.
#Sagittarius are determined to live life on their terms. That generally means plenty of laughs and few rules.
#Sagittarius are just as likely to wish for the impossible. The only difference is their ability to accomplish it.
#Sagittarius have no interest in working behind closed doors where no one can see their talents.
#Sagittarius are likely to possess the "firstborn" mentality, even if they are not the oldest.
#Sagittarius is achievement-oriented and likes to do things their way. They believe their way is the best way.
Dreamers more than doers, #Sagittarius are sensitive to the hurts and happiness of others.
#Sagittarius often fall for their opposite, which forces them to deal with thorny philosophical issues.
#Sagittarius are often uncertain about which path to take, generally because they have so many interests.
Despite their seeming accessibility, #Sagittarius are extremely private.
#Sagittarius have bursts of creative energy, as well as periods of indolence during which they produce very little.
It's often said that a #Sagittarius is their own best friend and worst enemy.
#Sagittarius thrive on the challenge of pursuing love, but they may lose interest once the chase is over.
Although known for a well-developed ego, this does not detract from a #Sagittarius likability.
#Sagittarius have personality plus. Their charm, good looks, and sex appeal make them appealing.
#Sagittarius often experience disappointments because the people they attract may not share their need for honesty.
Don’t be afraid to make the first move a #Sagittarius like the up-front, in-your-face approach.
Possessed with a sharp wit and the personality of a star, a #Sagittarius tends to live flamboyantly.
As a #Sagittarius jealousy is not in your vocabulary, which can be both liberating and disconcerting for loved ones.
The #Sagittarius works best under pressure, the closer to a deadline they get the better work they are able to produce.
#Sagittarius tend to blurt out remarks that might have been better left unsaid.
When a #Sagittarius woman dates a #Sagittarius man you know the relationship is going to be fun, fun, fun.
#Sagittarius always want to experience, know, try, explore things. They want to have a little bit of everything in so little time.
#Sagittarius have enormous confidence in themselves.They feel like if you don't have confidence then you don't have nothing.
As a #Sagittarius your independence sees to it that you will have to rely on no-one but yourself.
It's hard to capture a #Sagittarius heart.
Subject: To Die-san
When I drink alcohol I get too carried away and get so down the next day. Please give an advice to somebody like me.
Die: I endlessly sympathize/feel the same way. Why not the 2 of us have a meeting.
Subject: To Kaoru-san
I got Kaoru-san’s pic during the Zepp Nagoya live on the 31st but the color was red and not purple. What pick color will you be preparing on the next tour?
Kaoru: Since I remember getting Die’s pick and throwing it maybe that’s not my pick. I only have purple picks.
And it suits my palette XD
The colours are fucking ugly, that way
I just.... got into Bauhaus, The Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshee and Cocteau Twins...
Rings a bell ?
About "Zan" in DISC2, probably that can not be broadcasted on commercial TV stations.
The reason???
The strobe lights are so effective that they can induce a "pokemon shock"/
2. "Pokemon shock" refers to an incident when several children had seizures after watching an episode of Pokemon.
I know it's already weird that I dream about him
J'sais vraiment pas c'est quoi, en français, en plus LOL.
You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you
Help me; I broke apart my insides
Help me; I've got no soul to sell
Help me; the only thing that works for me
Help me get away from myself
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God
You can have my isolation
You can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith
You can have my everything
Help me tear down my reason
Help me; it's your sex I can smell
Help me; you make me perfect
Help me become somebody else
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God
Through every forest, above the trees
Within my stomach, scraped off my knees
I drink the honey inside your hive
You are the reason I stay alive
Il l'avait connu par le biais d'un ami qu'ils avaient en commun. Tout de suite, il avait ressenti envers lui cette étrange sentiment d'attirance, toutefois pas celle à laquelle on pourrait s'attendre. À la place d'avoir envie de le prendre dans ses bras, le chérir, le couvrir de baiser ou encore de lui faire tendrement l'amour comme on en a habituellement envie lorsqu'on est frappé d'un coup de foudre, lui avait l'impression qu'on venait de lui ouvrir toute grande une porte menant à quelque chose de bien plus grand, quelque chose de beaucoup moins innocent.
Ah my...
Me mettait au défi de mettre Arnold Schwarznegger sur mon blog.
And just go fuck yourself if you don't like it ♥
You'll get used to it XDDDD
Overdosed my movies LOL
This is where I'm coming from :
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