1. Who was your FIRST prom date?
Here, in Québec, we have only one prom night and it's at the end of high school.... I didn't go to mine.
2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
Probably beer or something XD
4. What was your FIRST job?
Does babysitting counts ?
5. What was your FIRST car?
None. But I remember a violet and white bike XD ♥
6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today ?
I don't have any cellphone anymore~
7. Who is the FIRST person you talked to this morning?
Kasu, as it has been since last january XD
8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Raymonde... Lalancette, c'est ça ? OMG like.... I had this teacher, my sister got it, my brother too... My lil sis' too.... AND MY FATHER GOT HER AS A TEACHER mais pas en 1ière année, par contre ._.
9. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
Nowhere, it was with my Grandpa... He had a small airplane and he used to take us on ride before he died.... J'm'en veux encore d'avoir refusé d'y aller, la dernière fois qu'il en a fait avec nous... C'était tellement pas un gros mal de tête, en plus.... u_u
10. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
I can't remember if it was Cécile or Maude, seriously o_o... Maybe both XD; It happenned quite recently that I talked to Maude, but I haven't got that chance with Cécile, though...
11. Where was your FIRST sleep over?
Encore là, je sais pas si c'était chez Cécile ou chez Maude XD
13. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
None ._.
14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
To realize it was even noon yet. 8D
15. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
Bon à part Carmen Campagne pis les Baby Spice, là... It was Evanescence in 2003~ Birthday gift 8D And it was on my birthday, en plus XDD Pis c'est là que j'ai su que la fête d'Amy Lee c'était le lendemain de ma fête o_ô....
16. FIRST tattoo?
K, wrist.
17. FIRST piercing?
Ears, when I was a baby~... Then it was in 6th grade, the cartilage up my left ear~
O_o ça fait tellement genre....7 ans que j'ai ça o_ô....
18. FIRST foreign country you went to?
None, I went out of Québec only once .___.
19. FIRST movie you remember seeing?
.... La petite sirène ? o_o.... J'tripais ben raide là-dessus, genre j'connaissais le film pis le livre par coeur (ou du moins j'le pensais XD) pis j'savais même pas lire XD
20. When was your FIRST detention?
I think I went once in grade 6 o_o... can't remember why XD
22. Who was your FIRST roommate?
I shared my room with my younger sister for the first 2 years of her life, does that count ? After that, I shared my room with my other sis'... and then it's with Kasu 8B (Can,t really call Mad a roommate since we weren't in the same room xD; )
23. If you had one wish. What would it be?
I'd wish for infinite wishes.
24. What is something you would learn if you had the chance?
German, Russian, Japanese, Mid-French, Italian... How to make crinoline (the cage thing, not the tutu one.... THat's a petticoat... un jupon, en français XP) and pannier, classical singing, how to make REAL corsets, how to make underwear o_ô... How to compose music......
25. Did you marry the FIRST person to ask for your hand in marriage?
No one did, and I won't ever mary any fucking one, no matter how much we love each other.
26. What was the FIRST sport that you were involved in?
Ballet. Believe me it IS a sport. (I also did gym o_o Didn't remember)
27. What were the FIRST lessons you ever took?
See previous question.
28. What is the FIRST thing you do when you get home?
Put my stuff on something and take off my shoes so I can take off my socks *takes off her socks*
29. Who do you think will be the next person to post this?
was this a FIRST thing survey ?
30. Do you have a secret crush on anyone of your facebook friends?
Euh.... I don't think so.