Pigg is now on FaceBook...
It's called Pico, though.... And it's in english (There's still a lot of Japanese people using it~)
Still, a few minute ago, I came across a gang of Gazetards....
I hesitated for tagging or not Ryonai on this (Finalement, j'le mets sur mon blog, fait qui va finir par le voir anyway LOL)
When MAD and I left, they were twice this number... And there was a guy calling himself SIZNA in the bunch LOL.
So yeah....
Still, a few minute ago, I came across a gang of Gazetards....
I hesitated for tagging or not Ryonai on this (Finalement, j'le mets sur mon blog, fait qui va finir par le voir anyway LOL)
When MAD and I left, they were twice this number... And there was a guy calling himself SIZNA in the bunch LOL.
So yeah....
wwwwwww !!