Ok, look....
No one, absolutely no fucking one will ever touch my computer again but me, final period.
Okay, I kinda fixed the mess that has been made yesterday, it may be not working perferctly, but still it is that it works at least a bit and I'm not a pro informatitian. I still think that the main problem is a conflict about which computer will have the single channel available. (Oh, by the way, Franco, your USB wi-fi thing is compatible with Windows XP, it's written on the box, eh !) And that my computer is an old hag. *sigh*
That's all... I just hate that people want to try to fix my computer or just want to use it... It's one of the million things bugging me... I mean... I know my computer, I know that I have to be patient with it, very patient cause, no, I don't even have a single Go of RAM, and I know which things bugs it and which things won't... And those things, other people don't know them. Other people are used to other computers and even if you tell them not to do some things, they might forget it cause they're doing it on their own computer...
Or, they're complete newbs and they go on internet and click on things they shouldn't and gets you some shits. Which is fucking annoying... You can't blame someone not to know something no one ever showed them...
So yeah, from now on, NO. FUCKING. ONE. BUT. ME AND MYSELF. WILL. TOUCH. MY. PC. End of the story. LA FIN.
I don't have the best PC in the world, but I cherish it pretty much... And I don't know what I'd do, seriously, if it happened that I'd lose it... I love you, PC ;_;/♥