Sunday, July 11, 2010

Trucy isn't cute but her drawing style seems to deliberately ignore it.

So I just drew my first Disney vilain in lolita fashion... I did Captain Hook. And I'm pissed. First, my drawing style sucks. Second, she somewhat reminds me of Oscar... Third, I still have troubles with the fucking legs proportions -__-... Fourth, her saber is fugly cause I didn't have any model >_>...

Oh and I know it's not that bad, in the end... But I should be less lazy a draw more often to get practice... I do NOT writte this just so that people say that it's beautiful since I don't need this since I already know this and my ego doesn't need anybody but me to get... high. If that makes any sense.
But I'm saying this in the way that I drew it and I saw its flaws and it bugs me, but I'm too lazy to start over.

Ok, ok, my drawing style doesn't suck.  But I hate it è_é Why did I have to draw THIS kawaii ?! D8< I hate it, I never can get what I want... It's REALLY frustrating. Like... REALLY.

Anyway... If you think her pose is weird, it's just that she would have her weight on her left leg... Well, the leg completely facing us... It actually looks like she's having a crinoline or something... Oh pis en passant, une crinoline, c'est le truc en forme de cage, pas un petticoat.  Un petticoat c'est un jupon.  On irait pas parler de bardaucucule alors qu'en fait ce sont des maheutres ! Pfff ! Ou plus simple, un short, t'appelles pas ça un pantalon... Voilà, quoi... Brefm des crinoline, aujourd'hui, ça se porte sous une robe de mariée, au pic-nic victorien (en fait, pour que ça fasse vraiment victorien, c'est plutôt un faux-cul que ça prend... Mais c'est pas tout le monde qui a suivi un cours d'histoire de la monde) ou sous une robe de bal de finissant d'une fille qui veut vraiment trop en faire ;D

So yeah, next one should be Ursula... And oh... No it's not scanned yet, I don't know when I will.

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