Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fudge Love

J'pense que le titre est encore plus cheesy que n'importe quel truc que j'aurai jamais écrit... Enfin...

Donc oui, j'ai relu Melty Love... Pis je crois que j'vais la republier... J'l'avais enlevée par respect pour Jasmine, mais, au final, c'est Juka (AHAHHA J'AVAIS ÉCRIT JULA PIS TSÉ JULA -> JURA -> RUJURA -> JYNX PIS TSÉ EN JAPONAIS, JYNX A FAIT JURA JURA JURA JURA PIS TSÉ AAAH. ouin.) qui passe pour un trou duc', pas Jasmine... Enfin... En soit, j'crois que le truc le plus disturbing dans tout ça, c'est que j'ai donnée une petite amie à Jasmine... J'devais penser à un futur mariage arrangé ou un truc comme ça o_ô parce que.......... J'sais pas, en 2009, c'était déjà très clair dans ma tête que Yuu pouvait pas être autrement que gay comme un pinson, hein... C'est comme un des quelques que j'avais aucun doute là dessus... C'est pas comme si c'était Kaya que toutes les fans sont : BEN LÀ Y'EST 100% GAY, alors qui arrête pas de dire qui lui est arrivé d'avoir des relations avec des filles... Surtout que le sujet a été abordé au Q&A de la PMX... Pis qui l'a clairement dit -____- Ok qu'il peut raconter des conneries, mais ça, j'ai pas de misère à le croire, juste à voir le personnage qu'il a... Pis anyway, y'a dit que l'amour avait pas de sexe... Ben... dans le sens gars/fille, pas dans celui de l'acte en tant que tel parce que.... OUIN, tk, on r'passera là-dessus XDDD
J'en étais où, là ? DONC OUI, Melty love. J'vais la reposter avant qu'on arrive au 9 août pis que le monde se mette à capoter parce que OMG j'poste une fic avec Jasmine dedans dans les à l'entour du 9 août...
Mais ouin, avant c'est mieux qu'après, parce qu'à part moi, y doit pas y avoir tant de monde que ça qui se souvient qu'il y a quelque chose de spécial, le 9 août... (Comme y doit pas mal y avoir que moi qui a collé la post card de Jasmine qu'elle a eut quand elle a acheté Lyrical Sympathy au dessus de sa porte, de la même façon qu'on y accrocherait un crucifix ou un portrait de Marie................ J'risque pas mal de me faire imprimer une photo de hide pour mettre à côté... =\ Avec le temps, j'vais ben me ramasser avec Kazuki pis Kami aussi... eh...)

*Sigh...* I still feel pretty bad toward this... and I still feel that some should be ashamed of themselves... And that'll be 'til I know the real story behind this... Cause they said the family doesn't want to announce the cause of death YET... It almost been a year, now... *sighes again* I still wish this is some kind of pretty bad joke cause Yuu wanted to retire or something and that we'll end up knowing he just went back to school and now he's a famous lawyer or something.... u___u
And I still don't get why it touches me this way... I think I got over my grand-fathers' deaths faster than this... Maybe cause I'm convinced the reason why he died isn't really whatever sickness he had... Or maybe it was not a sickness such as cancer or polyps (lol.... Ne, Juka... >XD) but more a sickness in his mind ?... We'll probably never know... Until we die too and go to him to ask him in person what happened... We could also ask to his spirit to come back for a moment and ask him, but that'd be fuckin disrespectful and... DAMN ! Don't ask a spirit how they did die ! o___o Specially if you suspect suicide to be the cause of death o_o... You could end up being in big paranormal problem for this D8...
Anyway... I wish I could know... But I guess I never will... Anyway, what would happen, if I knew ? I wouldn't be able to bring him back even though I'd knew the complete story... I couldn't take revenge for him either if revenge is an option... Or could I ? Or... Would he want this ?
I always think of him as a pacific person, so I don't think he'd want any revenge, anyway...

SJDHKJSDHKJSHFJKHSKJF. I'm getting annoyed by my own self -__-...

2 comment(s):

£@dy Dark§unMoon July 10, 2010 at 10:10 a.m.  

WTF, Trucy!
Quand est-ce que t'arrêtes de plugger ma date de fête, là, sérieux?
Oui, je vais avoir 1,5*18 ans ou 3*9 ans, pis après?!? :P :P :P

What kind of big paranormal problem could you end up in if you ask a spirit why they committed suicide? Wakaranai....

I think I'd like to ask hide, too, because hanging from his doorknob still doesn't make any sense to me and you know, it's his 13th death anniversary these days...

Trucydae July 10, 2010 at 10:56 a.m.  

It's not much about asking why they commited suicide but more about asking them about the way they died, actually... You have to be veeeeeeeeeeeeery polite with spirits, just to make sure they won,t get mad at you or anything... And I suppose that to ask them this, especially why they commited suicide, is a little bit too touchy... When spirits get annoyed, they tend not to leave as easily as when they're just in a normal state... And they usually don,t really like to talk about themselves either... They know they're dead, most of the time, they just don,t like to be reminded they are... But, there always are some exceptions... You just have to be reaaally careful about what you say, anyway, you'll feel uncomfortable if they don't want to talk to you or, if you're not one of the kind who sense spirits, another sign would be that they speak non-sense...
And never ever get mad at a spirit. Never. There's no way to be sure about what they say, specially if you don't see them, so you can't really take everything they say seriously...
I'm not an expert, I simply say this by my own experience, though... I don't see them, but I can feel when they're near and I can't get in touch with some pretty easily on a ouija board... but it's said that if you believe in them, it's more likely that you can feel/see them...

How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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