Friday, February 19, 2010

A feathery hat, you said ?

It's like... Unbelievable how the simple willing of doing a Kyouka/Kijin-like hat in feathers can make you goo WOOHOOO for old-school visual kei again...
I've been like JKSDHJKSHDKJHSJD since the beginning of the day, I must have been driven crazy by the lack of internet... LOL.  I just feel like some kind of retarded fangirl XDD
Aaaaaah... Can't wait for tonight, I'll see the gurlz and I'll buy some boas to make my hat and W00t \o/
I just feel like writing all the way in SJKHDFJKSHDFJKSDHKJSDH... J'dois être la soeur cachée de Hitsugi pis Seek =o

2 comment(s):

Lillie Joe,  February 20, 2010 at 1:55 a.m.  

Tu parles le maraisiste =DD

Trucydae February 20, 2010 at 9:18 a.m.  

Ouais 8BB
Me manque juste une coup' de piercing pour être une trve =o

How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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