Monday, August 10, 2009

Kaya finally wrote about it on his blog.

He said that a few days after his birthday, he got a message saying something like "I'm sorry, I'm late, but Happy Birthday anyway" from Jasmine and they were supposed to celebrate together... but seems like this won't ever happen....

And then he goes dramatic, saying things like :
I've been told the world is changing
He said we'll see each other in the future, I still wish...
I don't believe the truth
I'm praying...
Though, the only thing I can do is singing...
Hopefully he'll reach some peace...

Then he asks for support for Jasmine's family and for Versailles' members...
And sends much love to him...

(; . ;)

4 comment(s):

Rina August 11, 2009 at 9:50 a.m.  

Kaya doit tellement être à terre là... J'me sens vraiment mal pour lui pi pour les autres...

How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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