7 Deadly Sins
[x]Sworn at your parents?
[ ]Hated them?
[x]Been furious with a a friend?
[x]Angry at someone for no reason?
[ ]Hated a friend?
[ ]Held a grudge?
[x]Sought revenge?
[x]Yelled at a friend?
[x]Hit a wall in rage?
[x]Had desire for excess money?
[x]Wanted more of something when you had enough?
[ ]Kept to yourself instead of sharing?
[x]Wanted more than you have?
[ ]Bragged to someone?
[x]Had an ego trip?
[x]Felt better than those around you?
[ ]Felt "too good" to do something?
[x]Felt like you didn't need offered help?
[x]Talked about yourself too much?
[ ]Basked in your accomplishments?
[ ]Felt like nobody was as good as you?
J'pas sûre de savoir c'que veut dire bask, though XD;;;
[x]Wanted something a friend owned?
[x]Felt jealous of a friends talents?
[x]Felt envious of someones accomplishments?
[ ]Or of their grades?
[x]Or their salary and or amount of cash?
[x]What about someone else's clothes?
[x]Appearance or looks?
Ouin... XD
[ ]Ever liked a friend's bf/gf?
[x]Had dirty thoughts of someone you werent dating?
[ ]Been in a suggestive situation with a friend?
If so, whom? [ ]
[ ]Had dirty thoughts of your bf/gf?
[ ]Been to 1st base? (Heeeein ? é_è)
[ ]2nd?
[ ]3rd?
[ ]4th?
[x]Put off a huge project till the last day?
[x]Planned your day but not acted upon it?
[x]Thought of something but didn't feel like doing it?
[x]Ignored homework in a class you're failing?
[x]Told yourself "I'll do it later"?
[x]Slept in past noon?
[x]Sat on the sofa for hours on a beautiful day? (bah... passer la journée devant l'ordi, en fait =))
[x]Not wanted to do anything physical?
Yééé 8D
[ ]Pigged out?
[ ]Till your stomach hurt?
[x]Blown your paycheck in one day? ._.
[x]Wasted your money?
[x]Spent a lot on yourself but not others?
[ ]Hogged something? (wéyons, y'a plein de nouveaux mots/expressions dans ce quizz là ;_;)
[x]Kept doing something even though you told yourself to stop?
[x]Sworn at your parents?
[ ]Hated them?
[x]Been furious with a a friend?
[x]Angry at someone for no reason?
[ ]Hated a friend?
[ ]Held a grudge?
[x]Sought revenge?
[x]Yelled at a friend?
[x]Hit a wall in rage?
[x]Had desire for excess money?
[x]Wanted more of something when you had enough?
[ ]Kept to yourself instead of sharing?
[x]Wanted more than you have?
[ ]Bragged to someone?
[x]Had an ego trip?
[x]Felt better than those around you?
[ ]Felt "too good" to do something?
[x]Felt like you didn't need offered help?
[x]Talked about yourself too much?
[ ]Basked in your accomplishments?
[ ]Felt like nobody was as good as you?
J'pas sûre de savoir c'que veut dire bask, though XD;;;
[x]Wanted something a friend owned?
[x]Felt jealous of a friends talents?
[x]Felt envious of someones accomplishments?
[ ]Or of their grades?
[x]Or their salary and or amount of cash?
[x]What about someone else's clothes?
[x]Appearance or looks?
Ouin... XD
[ ]Ever liked a friend's bf/gf?
[x]Had dirty thoughts of someone you werent dating?
[ ]Been in a suggestive situation with a friend?
If so, whom? [ ]
[ ]Had dirty thoughts of your bf/gf?
[ ]Been to 1st base? (Heeeein ? é_è)
[ ]2nd?
[ ]3rd?
[ ]4th?
[x]Put off a huge project till the last day?
[x]Planned your day but not acted upon it?
[x]Thought of something but didn't feel like doing it?
[x]Ignored homework in a class you're failing?
[x]Told yourself "I'll do it later"?
[x]Slept in past noon?
[x]Sat on the sofa for hours on a beautiful day? (bah... passer la journée devant l'ordi, en fait =))
[x]Not wanted to do anything physical?
Yééé 8D
[ ]Pigged out?
[ ]Till your stomach hurt?
[x]Blown your paycheck in one day? ._.
[x]Wasted your money?
[x]Spent a lot on yourself but not others?
[ ]Hogged something? (wéyons, y'a plein de nouveaux mots/expressions dans ce quizz là ;_;)
[x]Kept doing something even though you told yourself to stop?
4 comment(s):
Bask in your accomplishment: te vanter et faire chier les autres genre "moi, j'ai fait ci, moi, j'ai fait ça, et je le fait tellement mieux que X" genre...
aaaah... aaah okais... bon.. ben j'fais pas ça... attends... j'le fais tu ? Me semble que non, là XDD Pas sérieusement, en tout cas XDD
hogged cest prendre plus que notre part.. genre tavais droit a juste la moitié de la tarte mais tu la toute bouffé.. *criss jmen va me chercher ue pointe de tarte la moi X__X*
Aaaaaaah okaiiis
Ben ouais, ^¸ca arrive =D XDD
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