Monday, November 17, 2008

I dreamt that...

I was killing a zombie on Halloween (he was disguised in vampire... so he had teeth..... But I was wearing gloves... like heavy mecano gloves.... So it was okay I guess) with a white plastic knife. I didn't knew the guy, but in my dream, he was supposed to be a friend of us.... And he was darkskined... Once I had killed him, we went in a friend of mine's house who was actually Emma from Dregrassi (huh ?!) o_ô.... And we were like a Zombie Destroying Team... We were planning some massive zombie killing.... I hope it wasn't with plastic knife cause it would have been quite long before we could call it massive...

It's the second dream I have that I am a zombie killer.... The other one was featuring Matsuro...
Maybe I'm exterminating my fear of zombies ?

2 comment(s):

Anonymous,  November 17, 2008 at 4:47 p.m.  

C'est pas toi qui avait une phobie des rêves de zombies ? o_o; Me semble que oui...

How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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