Monday, May 31, 2010

A few things to say...

I smell like Gackt D8<
I mean, I took the wrong shower gel and took the vanilla one instead of the apple one... AND THE VANILLA ONE SMELLS FUCKING STRONG X_____X
I'm gonna die, smelling that friggin fag scent until my next shower X____X Bleeeeeeeeeh.

J'ai changé le titre de Hold up my lover pour Beautiful Dirt... Which suits the main character and his personnality perfectly. *nods*

On facebook, I did an album with "And that's what is making you (look) gay"-pictures of Die, probably most of you knows about it already... But the thing is that I forgot to look in the "pair" album...... And I found the best of those... Seriously >XD

Bonus which won't appear in the album :

Yes, I think it's funny, I lmao-ed ; I rarely do macros so shut up and KTHXBAI.

Next is a question.
Does thinking you might be falling for a character you created and is like your male alter-ego make you a narcissist ?
Isn't this quite questionnable... Haha... Still, I've been thinking about it for a while, now... And wanted to talk about it, but I'm always shying away www....
And I'm still, since I won't say which character it is.... ;D (You probably deduced it, anyway.... ¬_¬)
Man, it's fucking ridiculous, I need to get rid of this D8< You leave my head now, bitch !!!

-Ça pourrait être un mur plus solide...
-... Indestructible ?
-Non ! Un mur PU solide !
-Ah... Ben... Destructible 8D
↑ Quote of the day >XD
Ah lala... J'suis en train de virer boulet, moi aussi XDDDDDDDDDDDD LOL.

Also, lately, I'm hearing a beep like if it was in the next room... But I hear it at home AND at job...
And it's the same kind of beep as when my phone's battery is dead... But my phone is right here with me and I just heard that beep again and it obviously wasn't my phone. Nor it's Flavie's since hers sounds more like "teeloo"...
Do ghosts beep ? LOL.
Or I'm just starting having hallucinations... .___.



Keywords ? o_o;

dir en grey myspace
.... Okay, look.... Search this directly on MySpace, dude.

Funny, eh ?

J'sais pas hein...


O_O Voire qui a quelqu'un qui cherche due MERE REVEIL.... 

velvet eden kalm
Look on the left.  There's a link to his blog.

pedo lolita pic
O_O......... Ew.... 320 Darkwell Suspiria
I have the album, I may rip it, if you want...

kaya ameblo
I guess you found the link on the left side...

kamihana ken
..................... Ok, I won't talk about that, it's not concerning me xD;

stop aux appats pour les requins hoax
Hoax, comme tout ce qu'on reçoit par e-mail, ou presque.

how to get toshiya's bass sound
Which song ? Cause he has many basses, y'know... And well... I guess you'd also need the same equipment, which would be quite expensive, isn't it ?

cosplay anime sanjushi

Whut ?

niaisage de noir
Whut ?

the lat cry in hades
It takes an S between the A and the T in Last...

anime sanjushi fanfiction
O_O..... Eh ?

sizna time section
Me wants too D8< 

ponyta fucks may
O_______________________O I DON'T WANNA KNOW.

orthodontie blog
Pourquoi tu veux ça, hein ? oO....

Translation Community spiv states Blog's JUN
jrock_translate, or something... 

Eh ?

hizaki face

Kamijo gay
KLSDJKHFSJKHFKJSH I still fucking love that one XDDDDDDDD
As unbelievable it may sounds, he already been married, if that answer your question....

toshiya's blog
Does such a thing exist ?  OH YEAH. Like fanclub blogs or something... Bleh.

ah tabarnak
Ben c'est ça, câlice.

hizaki real face
Synonym of fuckface.



Sunday, May 30, 2010

Trucy and movies, part 573.6

I just came back from Place Laurier (I think I got another sunburn... Like the second in two weeks >_>... Guh.. I really need that sunblock...) cause I needed to buy a time card (?) for my cell phone and I decided to got at HMV to see if there was anything interresting.


There was The Rocky Horror Picture Show. And since it was a 2 for 20 bucks deal, I looked for a second one, and there actually was 2 movies from my wishlist, there... I had to choose with Gone with the Wind and The Sound of Music... I left with Gone with the Wind XD
I'm such a movie whore... Like I buy almost a movie per week x_X
I guess it could be worst... At least I don't do drugs XD
So I need to update my movie list >8B


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ok, look ._. ...

I just can't play DS while lying in my my bed without falling asleep o_ô
Or it is that I'm becoming a old hag xDD
Anyway, I've been playing Pokémon (again~), and I stopped around 3:30PM cause my eyes were closing by themselves and I fell asleep and... I just woke up and it's 8PM.
Or it is that my body wants to get back the hours of sleep it lacks, I don't know...

But still... whew...

I should try this when I want to get to bed early... xDDD


Friday, May 28, 2010


Quand on y pense, deux secondes, au secondaire, là... Ils nous faisaient écrire des textes de 1000 mots... (D'ailleurs, certains profs nous disaient qu'ils arrêtaient de lire après genre 1200 D8< Comme s'ils allaient compter les mots avant de lire pis après ça relire en corrigeant pis relisant une dernière fois juste pour être sûrs... Heille là D8<) Et le monde capotait... Ils étaient tous là à trouver que ça faisait beaucoup de mot et tout, mais... 1000 mots c'est un très court chapitre... 1000 mots, c'est le début ou la moitié d'une one-shot/nouvelle... Pis même à 16-17 ans, j'trouvais que 1000 mots, ça faisait pitié... Tellement que j'crois que c'était à mon examen final en secondaire 5... Je m'étais tellement forcée à me limiter dans mes mots qu'au final, j'en avais pas assez XDDDDDDD

Enfin quoi, là, j'ai genre 1067 mots pour Hold up my lover (qui pourrait changer de titre, hein... J'suis ouverte aux suggestions, même si vous l'avez pas lue XD) pis j'ai, disons... le tiers de mes idées de passées...

Estie que je regarde ça, pis mon texte, sans que j'aie cherché à ce que ça donne ça, c'est calqué sur le plan qu'on a au secondaire >XD... Enfin presque... J'fais pas vraiment de description de personnage dans l'intro... Fort certainement parce que je suis totalement incapable de couper ça au couteau comme ils veulent qu'on le fasse... Enfin, j'suis certaine que plusieurs textes ressemblaient à du "voici l'intro avec mon personnage qui s'appelle un tel avec ses cheveux de telle couleur et ses yeux d'une autre couleur et il va lui arriver une aventure, ensuite voilà le développement avec son événement déclancheur qui surprend un tel, ses péripéties qui font chier un tel et son dénouement qui rend un tel très heureux et finalement voici la conclusion qui rappelle ce qui est arrivé à un tel en deux ou trois phrases et il vécu heureux et eut beaucoup d'enfants. Fin." Bref, ça pue. Parce qu'en plus, ça c'est après que les 30 millions de fautes aient été corrigées par un(e) autre.

De toute façon, la structure d'un texte, ya rien de plus maléable que ça... Juste qu'à l'école, ça a été normalisé pour que le monde ayant aucune imagination ou talent en écriture puissent avoir un minimum de point... Tsé ton histoire ça peut être d'la grosse marde pis t'aurais 86% pareil, si tu fais pas trop de fautes... T'auras juste perdu les points par rapport à l'idée originale, quoi XDD

Ah... ça me rappelle juste en secondaire 4 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Parce que j'étais en train de me dire, en fait, que je serais curieuse de voir ce qu'on commenterait sur ce que j'écris si je faisais lire ça à mes anciens profs de français.. Mais ouin, donc en secondaire 4, j'avais écrit une fic comme examen final (LOL, en 5ieme aussi, mais j'ai pas eu de feedback de la prof, donc c'est pas drôle) pis fallait piger un proverbe pis en faire le titre de notre histoire... Je sais trop plus quel proverbe j'avais, mais j'avais fait un DieXToshiya LOL pis ouin à la fin y'en a un qui crevait dans un car crash, me semble que c'était Toshiya, pis là t'avais Die, tout désespéré de la vie pis c'est ça... Mais le prof, je l'ai revu après qu'il ait corrigé ma copie XDD pis y'était comme "Ton histoire là...." pis moi, se retenant de rire : "Oui ? XD" Et lui : "C'Était... Dramatique...!" avec un air de OMG VOIRE QU'ELLE A ÉCRIT UNE HISTOIRE GAY ! >XDDDDD

Oh... C'était peut-être pas avec Die, en fait o_o... Parce que ça aurait pas été génial pour un prof qui connait pas ça... à moins que j'l'aie appelé Daisuke, là... Sinon, ça devait être Kyo, mais ouin... EN TK. J'pas mal certaine que mon idée de base était avec Toshiya pis Die, bon è_é !!!

Pis ouin, quand j'étais ado, j'trippais sur les carcrash, faut croire... Me semble qui a plusieurs autres fics où ça arrive.... M'enfin...

So yeah, retour aux sources, man... Ça fait du bien, des fois... Même si y ont plus leurs cheveux rouges, fuchsias pis bleus... Which is tristez... Parce que tsé là hein... Die ça rime avec rouge, quand même... mais là, ça fait 3 ans qui est pu rouge du tout D8< Gros caca, toi ! C'comme Kyo... c'est clair que si c'est pas au prochain shooting, ça va être l'autre d'après, y va être redevenu blond... C'est aussi comme si Kaoru s'rasait l'pinch........... TSÉ. (Y'a tu du monde qui l'ont pas encore pris pis qui veulent y envoyer une boîte de bic ? >XDDDDD) Ou si Shinya allait faire euthanasier ses chihuahuas just because... Tsé, shit happens, mais y'A des limites, quand même XDD (Dans le fond, check ben ça, sont en train de préparer un come back visu..................... LOOOOL Tu peux toujours rêver sjkfhkadjshdfsljkhdskaj ça serait ben trop drôle >XD)



Ainsi apprit-il le nom complet – Hara Toshimasa – de son chauffeur attitré et qu'il était d'environ deux ans son cadet, ce qui sonna d'autant plus digne d'intérêt à son oreille.

On dirait que j'parle d'un vieux mononc' de party de Noël...


Ou d'un pédo... Mais ouin, juste deux ans de moins alors que j'dis plutôt qui a environ 30 ans... Pedofail. HAHA.

Ah, aussi... :

-Vous savez, m'sieur l'agent, si je vous emmerde autant, je peux très bien rentrer seul, fit l'interrogé avec un grand sourire quelque peu narquois, mais qui eut, apparemment, l'effet escompté, c'était-à-dire le radoucir un peu.

M'sieur l'agent >8B <3

C'est un pervers, mais aussi un estie de baveux XDD
Au final, y'est vraiment haïssable... Ben... Pas autant que Hora dans NVC (lui c'est quand même un royal trou duc...), mais... Ouin... en fait, je sais pas XD... C'est plus ou moins le même genre de trou duc... Hora aura jamais trompé Kaya, par contre, l'autre zouf, euh... 8D ! C'est un connard <3 Mais Die enfermera jamais son beloved dans sa chambre, contrairement à Hora... N'empêche que..... Avec ce que je prévois... Ah shit non, j'peux pas dire ça, ça va give away le punch XD

J'aime ça, les personnages haïssables D8<
Non, en fait, j'aime créer des personnages que je sais que le monde va juste avoir envie de les traiter de connards 8B
En fait... Vite de même j'dis que Hora est pire que Die, mais, finalement... Quand j'y pense, pas vraiment... C'est peut-être juste du favoritisme... LOL.

Au sourire qu'il lui fit, le jeunot ne put refuser l'offre.

"Je vais te faire une offre que tu ne pourras pas refuser" XDD
Depuis le temps que j'voulais plugger ça dans une fic (OSTIE. J'allais écrire fille O_O;;;;)

L'accusé prit un air désapointé, déconfit et désolé.
Ça sonne presque poétique XD

Bon, ça va faire... ¬.¬
J'm'aime trop... LOL.



J'suis tellement trop fière de mes tournures de phrases dans ma dernière fic XD
N'empêche, c'est le genre de trucs qui m'aurait valu pas loin d'une centaine de pourcents, si c'était une rédaction pour l'école, j'en suis sûre XD
J'ai presque envie de retourner en secondaire 5 juste pour ça... LOL.

Il s'avérait qu'on avait besoin de l'inspecteur Niikura autre part et c'était beaucoup plus important que cet interrogatoire visant à extirper des vers inexistants du nez d'un excentrique d'une trentaine d'années arborant une chevelure aussi rouge qu'un feu de circulation.
Love <3
En même temps, j'imagine Kaoru en train de chercher des vers dans le nez de Die pis c'est pas vraiment cool o_ô..... LOL. Aaaaah sti... Moi pis mes images mentales, là... XD;;; "Ben non, y'a juste d'la morve D8< !" OUI BON TA YEULE, TRUCY. Bon.

Sinon, j'ai pas trop d'idée pour un titre, pour faire changement... J'vais sûrement finir par garder mon titre temporaire o_ô (Hold up my lover... LOL. Merci Noir Fleurir >XD... Sinon, j'avais pensé à Clever Sleazoid, mais ouin... Ou encore, peut-être, Hyper Love ou Ambivalent Ideal, comme mon perso principal est pas mal dans le genre menteur pro <3 ah pis Mad in my love, aussi >XD... En fait, j'aimerais ben faire un jeu de mot avec "die" LOL. Mais ouin... En ratissant ma mp3thèque, j'suis tombée sur "Die in me" pis j'ai fait "................................... Ok taggle. *facepalm*" XDDDDD;; EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeen tout cas... XDD)

Oh ouin pis, Josiane est venue me voir, au boulot, tout à l'heure, parce qu'il faut que j'lui répare une robe, pis elle a lu ce que j'avais d'écrit, pis pis pis. Tsé, le bout frustré avec le coup d'pied dans la porte, là... è_é Si ça avait été Kaoru ou Kyo, ok, y aurait resté fru pis *grumble grumble* mais là, c'est Toshiya, pis Toshiya, moué, j'le picture like a bit shy dans ma tête, SO YEAH. Anyway, l'autre twit lui sourit, fait qui crochit, voilà è_é ! Pffff ! (Et ça, c'était la partie où personne capte rien, but la principale concernée, HA ! Oh pis j'ai trouvé c'est qui le macabé, au début, finalement, pis c'est ni Satsuki, ni Kisaki D8< Nyunyunyu.)

Eh merde... j'en reviens pas encore du "die in me" XDDD J'aurais jamais du voir ça, calice >XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


C'est encore un truc policier, quoi... J'vais finir par croire que j'ai un fetish de p'tit gars (enfin, p'tit gars, c'est assez discutable, question de grandeur et d'âge... lulz) en uniforme policier... En plus d'avoir un fetish de malades mentaux... LOL. J'ai tellement tout le temps un mongole, dans mes fics o_ô... J'imagine que ça serait plate, autrement...
Oublie ça, ça serait vraiment plate XDD... Y'aurait pas d'histoire pis ça serait juste smut over smut over smut pis ça finirait en orgie que t'as pas spécialement envie d'imaginer (Trop tard, c'est fait.)

Quand j'y pense... J'pense que c'est pas mal dans les premières fois que j'décris autant mes personnages... Enfin, le principal, surtout... o_ô... C'est sûrement parce que j'veux pas le nommer dans la narration... Pis pour l'instant, on peut juste être certain que c'est bel et bien lui parce que Shinya le nomme une fois... Mais tsé... Les cheveux rouges pis l'histoire du sourire le vend pas mal, sinon...

À part de ça... C'est dingue le nombre de temps que je peux perdre à fouiller dans le dictionnaire, quand j'écris @____@ Genre je cherche un mot, pis finalement, j'tombe sur un que je connais pas, fait que je lis la description pis j'apprends un nouveau mot que je retiens pas, le ¾ du temps XD, sauf si c'est pas un truc en biologie... Enfin... ça finit que j'lis toute la page pis j'ai oublié quel mot je cherchais, à la base.. fait que je vais me relire, pis je retourne chercher et ça recommence XDD Fait que ouin... Je lis le dictionnaire, j'crois que c'est ce qui fait de moi une nerd >XD Le pire, c'est que j'aime ça XD pis j'aime mieux chercher dans un vrai dictionnaire que dans un dictionnaire en ligne à cause de ça XD

Pis ouin, pour rester dans la lignée des dictionnaires, ça me prendrait un bescherelles D8... parce que "il pu" (pouvoir, parce que puer, j'sais que ça serait plutôt "il pue" hein -.-;), "il du" (devoir) pis "il eu" (avoir) j'suis comme pas sûre.... "put" ? Me semble que c'est laid, mais... pis "dû" ? Me semble que ça ferait du sens... (quoi qu'il y avait pas une nuance entre devoir dans le sens de devoir faire quelque chose pis devoir dans le sens de devoir de l'argent ? ._. HA ! *a jeté un coup d'oeil au dico* en fait "dû" c'est plus genre "ça lui est dû" "payer son dû" voilà, j'vais arrêter de toujours vouloir lui mettre un accent xD) pis "eut"... j'sais que "eu" pis "eut" existent (enfin, me semble o_o) mais ouin... J'pense que c'est plus genre "Il eut" pis "Il a eu", un truc comme ça, quoi... Oh pis c'est peut-être "il dut" aussi...... D8... Maudit caca... J'vais aller au renaud bray pour m'acheter un Bescherelles, demain, j'ai l'impression o_ô...

Y'a ben juste moi qui se soucie de trucs comme ça >XD...


Thursday, May 27, 2010


So....... I've no more internet at home cause I was late in my payments.

Plus, since we had a download limit and we downloaded way more than what was allowed (Who the hell can up/download no more than 2048 fucking megabytes ?!?!?! o_o;;; And yes, seems like both are combined in this...) so we have a lovely bonus $60 (cause it's taxable, obviously...) to pay.
Now, if I want internet back, it'll cost like 40 more bucks.

Dear Videotron, fuck you.

Ok, I won't have internet for a month, that's all. I'll go see for another company and, btw, don't get any services from Videotron, it's too expensive for nothing, plus, they tell you you'll have the first month for free and the two following for half the price and they don't do it. Plus, it's a 12months contract... So, I'll just get internet back when I'll move in with Josy and Stéphanie. That's the end of the story. *grumble, grumble*
It sucks, but it's only for a month... I made it for a year and a half or so in the cégep residences, so...

Any suggestion for a cheap internet/phone distributor ?
Not that I really want a phone service, but seems like it'd be useful for the three of us, in a an appartment...
And does a distributor without download limit still exist ?

The worst in this is that I'm not angry or anything... Maybe a bit pissed, but that's all... It's my fault, after all @__@
But I still hate Videotron.

On a better note : I received my QutieLand dress today. I was leaving for work and almost hit the postman when I wanted to get out. Ha !
So I just tried it, cause like... I couldn't try it at work, lolz. And it fits perfectly (almost) *o* <3
And I was scared about that velvet thing, remember ? Well... There's no velvet at all on it, so it's a very perfect dress <3
And luckily I didn't want to wear it in a lolita way cause I look goddamn fat with a petticoat under it XD So I'll wear it as I first thought : In a 50's way *o* Gotta love it <3

Now, I want to find tights with that stich at the back... *o* Do you know where I can get those ? I'd like some pale ones... which suit my skin tone, if you know what I mean 8B and maybe some darker too...
I still need to buy some other nylon socks... since mine have been dead for a long time (Let's just say that walk without shoes with those on in the Vieux Québec isn't really good for their lives... LOL. Couldn't I be even more careless ?)
And then, I'll have to find some blouses that I could wear with a bullet bra under it (CAUSE YEAH, I WANT A FUCKING EXPENSIVE BULLET BRA.)
And I want a pencil skirt oO Like... Knee lenght... Black... With a tiny belt... I need some tiny belts, actually...
And I need some garter (? Or garter holder ? Anyway...) with socks that won't mark my thighs' fat D8< or won't feel the need to roll to my knees >_>... Guh. Fucking fat thighs D8< They're actually the only thing I REALLY hate of my body -.- Everything else is ok, or so... BUT THOSE... I'd kill them -___-... The worst part of it is that I'll alway have quite big thighs since I used to do ballet and that I now walk a lot... So hello, big thighs. Fuck you, muscles.
Also, I want some "high"-waisted black pants... I kinda want to get rid of the mark that low rise pants/skirt/panties gave me cause I used to be a fat bitch... BUT STILL... I don't really feel like saying goodbye to my beloved jeans..... D8..... Dammit. Why do I had to like such different things ?!?! D8<

Yes, I absolutely love the 50's style, and I also love some goth look, and I love my "punk/rock" style too... I like lolita too, but I think it looks weird, on me... maybe that I'm not much on the girly side... Actually... I'm torn between being tomboy and being womanly... I so don't care about being girly and wear pink ._. I'm not baby-faced at all, anyway...
So yeah, I guess it's just my goffick part who like the goffrori style... and I really mean GOTHloli -.-

Gosh... Just spent an hour and almost a half on this... bleh...


Love it or Die.

Which means that, one way or another, you get good stuff.

Somewhat got inspired by this vintage ads community I follow on LiveJournal.

I can't do anything serious, lately... Maybe getting old means to become dumb... LOOOL. (Ok, please, don't take this seriously, dumbasses D8< I'm not dumb (I think...) and I'm not old either, anyway D8< I'm still 18 ! *lies* And I'll be 18 'til I die D8< Fuckers.)
But still... Ah wait, there's this fiction I just started... It's more on the serious side (Even though it's about some lobsters being total assholes...) ...... Oh ! OK ! EVERYONE IS SAFE, NOW !

Ah... aaah.... I wanted to say something else, but forgot about it... 
I could talk about this new fiction, but that would be boring, so...


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oh yeah, by the way.

Mister computer is alive.

Just that it wanted to boot from a floppy... But I don't even have one... Idiot.


Way-way-way-wait. What ?!


I mean.... What the....

Actually........ Well... Errr... :

Are you starting to actually have abs, Die ?!?!?

Finally ! HA ! 
I'm sure he's kinda envying (spelling ? ._.) Toshiya and Kyo for those >XD LMAO.

Actually.... It makes me wanna poke his belly to see if it's true XD

Now, I still have to notice if he still does have an arm bigger than the other... fufu 8B


Sorry for...

The... Lack of update ?
Oh well... I'll try to get my comp back to life tonight... There's two things I need to try, one requires WinXP's CD, though... But still... And if those two don't work, well... I'll just format...
Anyway, most of my things are on my external hard drive, so... And now it's okay with Flavie's comp's password, so I'll be able to empty mine and then format it... and find back that shit of activation key on the internet >_>...
Looking back at this, I feel lucky to be a geek/nerd/whatever... I can fix my PC by myself >8B
Also ! Lillie Joe, we'll have to take some time so that I may take a look at your computer... I'm pretty sure that the system restauration would fix it... Cause system restauration is cool like that.
Other than that, if you think you have a virus spread everywhere in you hard disks, maybe it would be a good idea to do a virus scan on another computer...
And install Avast if it's not already done... And set it so that it scans even before Windows boot.... *nods*
So yeah... That's it.  Story of my nolife.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I'm not dead but seems like my computer doesn't agree.

Now that I'm thinking about it... The system disk........ It's not the windows one, it's like the hard drive driver, isn't it ?
Fuckin shit -.-
Yeah, so when I came back from the Putré-Fashion show, my computer didn't want to start and was telling me "Disk boot failure. Insert system disk and press enter" or something like that.
So yeah, I guess I'll just format that bitch >_>...
But still, I need to empty it, before... I could do it on Flavie's computer if I had the password ._.
Not the only thing that I'd need, actually... Cause I don't have my WinXP CD >_>...  And now that I'm thinking about it o_o.......... Damn I don't wanna format, I'll have to find another fucking activation key and the shit since this windows already been installed on other computers before D8< FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK YOU MICROSOFT FOR MAKING THINGS SO FUCKING COMPLICATED FOR NOTHING.
Luckily, I know about this.  Imagine if I was just a random someone who doesn't know a shit about computers ?! 9348578947387$ of technician fee D8<
So yeah, no computer, no life, when your name is Trucy.  I couldn't even watch movies.  So, on Sunday, I went to buy a portable DVD player cause I was fucking pissed -.-
I finally re-watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit, yesterday, and... Y'know, I was wondering which color was Jessica's dress for my cosplay thing ? Pink or Red ? Well... The first time we see her, when she's on stage, it's pink and glittering.  The rest of the time, it's red and not glittering. I guess I'll just end up doing a red satin strapless dress, fake boobs included, cause I hate sequin and this kinda thing and because red stilettoes are easier to find than pink ones. Anyway, I might not do it this year since my hair isn't long enough.. Well... My fringe isn't and won't be in long enough either in July/August, so... Yeah...
And I'll fucking have to practice my way of walking... like... breast out and hips balancing from left to right and almost crossing my legs at each step @_@
I also watched Sid & Nancy, and now I can say that a short ex-blonde japanse singer got inspired... a bit... by Sid.  And Nancy if freakin annoyin... I would have kicked that bitch out.  Litterally kicked. She got stabbed by Sid, anyway ♥
And I watched Public Enemies~ All that I'll say about it is that I love Marion Cotillard ♥
And I began to watch Cleopatra......... THIS MOVIE IS SO FUCKING LONG.
And I began to watch Without a Clue... This one is boring, I fell asleep on it. (I never get asleep on a movie... But Star Wars III and The Lord of the Ring... LOL)
And I began to watch The Hound of the Baskervilles, but it's skipping D8... And they have a FREAAAAAAAAKING STROOOOOOOOOONG british accent, and I was like........
Other than this, I continued a bit that fic with Dada and Machi that Lillie Joe requested after I requested some requests... Not much though... Again it's a "I know what'll happen, but I dunno how..." thing D8<... Geh.
And I began to read Lost Souls.
And I played pokémon. I can't fucking catch this asshole who we also call Ho-oh D8< What a fucking bitch this bird is.  Asleap and with ONE fucking HP left and it won't stay in the fucking ultraball D8< I SPENT 30 FUCKING ULTRABALL ON THAT FUCKER.  For sure I'll call it FaceDePet4 (FartFace4) once it'll be caught... Since I called Zapdos → FaceDePet1, Moltres → FaceDePet2 and Articuno → FaceDePet3.  And Lugia will be the fifth one.
And that's it.


Friday, May 21, 2010

I think I puked a little in my mouth.

Kamijo, WTF, honey ! WTF. YOU'RE NOT A VAMPIRE PIRATE. YOU'RE FUCKING LADY OSCAR, BITCH.  And lol @ the lipstick+gloss thing.
Yuki, please... Don't wear that make-up again.  It makes you look as bad as the 3 others.  And long last the prop recycling, eh... (I'm sure you all remember that sword held by Kamijo.)
Teru.  Your hair looks friggin dirty and it's GROSS. Plus, that card thing, we saw it like 3789478236487 times.  Especially with that Ace of heart thing.
And I kept the worst for the end.  I already ranted about this shooting.... First he stole Jasmine's hair, second he though Kaya's idea was great so he too drew on his hands but with this style, it just look like WTF, third he AGAIN has his eyes crossed, fourth he has WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much make up and it just look AWE-FUL.  Or at least, if you wanna wear THIS much make-up, make it reach you eyebrows D8<  And fifth, this facial expression makes me wanna punch him in the face.  For real.
I'd like to say that I don't know what happened to them but.... =\
Don't you think it's weird they started to look like shit just as Jasmine passed away ? >_>...


Something uninterresting.

I should write this in french, but I feel like I can't write on my blog in french anymore.... Even though my first language is actually french.... Oh well...
I don't remember if I talked about this here or if it was only on Twitter or FaceBook... But anyway...
The thing is that when one of my client leave, I say "bonjour", but it always sounded weird to me... When they comme to me, I greet them with a first "bonjour", this one sounds ok, but the second one, when they leave... it's like... It's as if I was actually saying "boojyour" o_ô....
Not that I push it or anything, it just comes out this way x_X...
I'll end up speaking in flench... huhu...
There's also my "merci" at the end of my "C'est moi qui vous remercie !" which sounds like... It's really high pitched oO...
Well, actually, my voice is higher when I speak to clients than when I... just speak with friends oO... And I'm not doing it on purpose D8<
And I think it's fucking annoying @___@
Oh and........ Do I speak this low ? Low like in not lound ? .___________. Since yesterday, I've been told like 389489237 times that I don't speak lound enough....  D8< Bitches who speak LOUD are annoying, m'kay ? D8<
Ah.  Something else !
Recently... I have some ideas... to write, m'kay.  But........ It's... hetero.  And I'm like... NO.
I'd fucking feel like writing a marysue or I'll think that people'll think that those are like... my fantasies or something...
Plus, I'd feel like writting an Harlequin............... Huhuhu ._.
But still, I wanna include some pregnancy in one of my fics.... I know there was Yuko in NVC BUT. YEAH.  She's dead.  And she was Juka's wife. Lol.
Ah... Talking about NVC, I should continue to translate it... Meh...


Thursday, May 20, 2010

So this means...................

Kyo: Normally, I like different things. Like the rough look with a suit, I wear anything. The newest costume is like a kimono. The costume designs were all done by us. We draw pictures of the designs for our own costumes and they make it for us.
That Die REALLY has doubtfull fashion taste.
HA !
Hahaha... >XD
I'll make a FaceBook album about this one...

(Or it's just that he's drawing really bad... >XD huhu...)


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wtf ?! Blisters ?!

Yesterday, my tights gave me some blisters under my feet... I don't really get why since my converses never gave me any blisters and there was no hole in my thight nor the tip stiches got under my feet... And those tights aren't even new x_X...
Anyway, they weren't the worst blisters in my life, so I haven't talked about them...
BUT THE THING IS. That.  The right one exploded while I was walking back home O_____O....
WTF, BLISTERS ?!?! WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK ?!?!? O________O.....
And the left one kinda burns, for some reason... Ima kill them D8<


This is the results of my latest playlist.

Which would mean I'm like... this week's Noir Fleurir's top listener ?
Wiiiier Mascareeeeeeeeeedooooooo \o/

Edit : Oh ! I'm really this week's Noir Fleurir's top listener XD
That's hot !


Been tagged~~

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1) I've spent real money on games such as Ameba Pico, Gaia Online and Pet Society.
2) I don't feel I can reach complete happiness cause the mountain is too high.
3) Still, I don't feel I can reach complete despair cause the drop is too long.
4) I know a lot of people, but I consider only a tiny part of those as friends.
5) I realized recently that I have a redhead skin tone.  So that's why I become a lobster in the sun.  (Did I just called myself a lobster while..........?! Dammit.)
6) I wish I could kick my butt more often so that I would be sewing right now.
7) I tend not to remember how old I am... I'm stuck to 18 in my head, anyway.
8) I'm really arguing with myself. Alex VS Trucy.
9) I miss the time when Jrockers where dorks.
10) I don't hate Mana or Lolita or everyother thing people think I hate, but I hate what people have made with it....  Which doesn't mean that I actually like them.
11) I'm a fucking fag hag D8<
12) I guess I have something for sagitariuses......... That's maybe what is explaining that high ego "problem" HA !
13) I smoke and I like it, so fuck you with your "*fake cough* omg it stinks so bad" Really... Fuck you.
14) I wouldn't be able to date/go out with someone I think they're prettier than me...
15) But still... In my very own opinion, the most beautiful woman/girl in the world is me.
16) I realized lately why I don't actually like manga.  It's cause it's always like BANG BANG BANG THIS HAPPENS AND NOW THIS HAPPENS AND NOW THIS AND THIS ALL AT THE SAME TIME AND WE'RE NOW HERE AND NOW THIS CHARACTER LOOKS LIKE THIS ONE PIS THIS ONE ISN'T THE SAME AND NOW WE CHANGED PLACE AGAIN AND... And.... A "While this time..." wouldn't hurt anybody @________@
17) I'm addicted to cafeine.  Like... For real o_ô...
18) I think my haters are the funniest thing in the world ♥
19) Some japanese peeps are following my blog... And I feel so fucking weird about it ._.
20) I don't think Jasmine You's death was natural (Which means I don't think he was sick.)
21) I'm fucking pessimistic.  But I'm not supposed to be defeatist.
22) There are Alex and Trucy, one is lesbian, the other is bisexual.  I don't know which one is what, though ._.
23) I think that most Visual Kei/J-rock fans of today are stupid.
24) In the same way of thinking, since that is coming from me, I think that most of today's Visual Kei/Jrock bands suck really hard and really bad, all sound and look the fucking same.
25) I love to say fuck and indirectly call people fuckers and bitches.

I won't tag anyone, so feel free to take it~~


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


OMG of OMG. 

Satsuki ♥\(;____;)/♥
My armpits are throwing hearts T^T
What a pretty boy we have here~~

Oh, and boring stuff : I changed the songs in my MP3 player...
And it made so that I added some Inugami Circus Dan and dué le quartz to my playlist...

Looking back to my Top Artists, actually, only X-Japan and Kuroyume/Kiyoharu/SADS are missing so that I have Japan's biggest names in my top....
But Kiyoharu's voice tends to annoy me.... And the same goes for Toshi, plus... I'm not a big fan of X's musical genre... (Even though I quite like AC/DC for some reason even I ignore *cough*)


Bonus, cause I like to give credibility to those guys~

Oh.... And bonus 2 :

People of Wal-Mart :
Die wanna make sure he sees them.
(Aka the probably only picture of Die with his glasses on (other than sunglasses... DUH.))

Why do I always end up talking about Dir en grey ? D8<


UnsraW VS Dir en grey, peeps ?

 Please forgive his bad english and do as I did and kick you fucking ass to get what he's saying.  He Russian, BTW.

Mais sur quelle planète tu vies pour dire qu'UnsraW c'est plus heavy que Dir en grey ?! o_ô J'veux pas t'faire de peine, mais Unsraw sont friggin fifs comparés à Deg, s'cuse-moi, là.... XD
[On which planet are you living to say that UnsraW is heavier than Dir en grey ?! o_ô I don't wanna make you sad, but UnsraW are just a friggin mess once compared to Deg, I'm sorry... XD]

Trucydae, UnsraW is very hardest than Dir en Grey!
And a lot of fans will be happy if UnsraW visit Russia! XD

I'm not quite convinced about this, I must say... Have you heard Dir en grey latest work ? It's hard to get harder than this...
In my opinion, Unsraw is just quite another "copy-band" of Dir en grey =\
I have no doubt that many fans would be glad to see UnsraW in Russia, but still...
I don't think it's really... comparable... Maybe Unsraw just ... See moresound louder because the guitars have been recorded with an higher volume so that it seems harder (Metallica uses this technique too...), but that's just the way it has been recorded...
Anyway, it's not as if I cared this much about UnsraW, I just don't think it's on the same level as Dir en grey...

Last work - heh, srry no... i heared earliest albums and some songs, i heared about UnsraW - "copy band" and some...but i think is - sequel is more better than original in this way! we have a lot of DeG fans in Russia! But, my opinion, their music and vocal - nothing special, maybe a very dark lyric and pretty metal melody, but not more....

You can not agree with Me, and it is ok.

yesterday we had a hot of discussion about Malice Mizer VS Versailles...omg that was very hoooot XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

OMG Versailles can just suck Malice Mizer's dick, KTHXBAI o_o

But yeah... Dir en grey changed a lot since their beginning, so if you're comparing UnsraW to Dir en grey's Macabre era.... Sure, UnsraW is harder.

I just listenned to one of UnsraW latest songs... And that's actually what I thought it was... Everything is thrown up and it's just heavy... See more to be heavy.... In my own opinion, I think that UnsraW has nothing to catch the attention, It's just noisy... Just angry little boys with music instruments in their hands, thinking they can play well, but are actually just playing loud... Plus, we can't even hear the bass... What's the point of having a bassist in a band if we can't even hear the bass part ?
But that's my opinion, eh !
Still, I suggest you to go on YouTube and watch [Hageshisa to, kono mune no naka de karamitsuita shakunetsu no Yami]'s PV... You might be surprised~

"Versailles can just suck Malice Mizer's dick"


Yesterday one guy said: Malice Mizer is very boring or something! You know what? He is Org who take Versailles in Russian for gig...i was - hahahahahahahhahahaha!!!!... See more

About DeG

Oh, someone recomend Me PV - Cage, and said something like this - "It is psychodelic" i laugh-g all the video, i think that was fan of DeG, cause video is very simple and nothing special. i ll try PV which You recomend for Me.

Cage PV is just old... I like old stuff, so I can't pronounce myself on this, haha....
But still... it's 10 years old, so... And well... It's not this simple, compared to PVs like we have today... Think about Gazette and sucking bands like them... Eh.

The thing with Malice Mizer is that they touched to everything.
Versailles.... Well... Hizaki ... See morelearned to play one solo and then copied and pasted it in every single song he then recorded... How original... They're just a bunch of "pretty" faces, nothing more...
And Kamijo sucked less in LAREINE. HA !

At least, he didn't get butthurt... HAHAHAHA XDDD.
But now he told me that the guy who showed him Cage PV haven't told him it was like... 10 years old... MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN ! People change in 10 fucking years !! XDD



I like how my top 3 is monochrome and... "manly"..... In comparison to the following 3...
Of course, I talk about the pictures, eh ! >_>....

I added some LUNA SEA to my playlist... I was afraid that BUCK-TICK would take over them... Ahah ! xD
They'll get over them anyway, actually... If it's not already done O_O
Wai-wai-wai-wait.  OK.  WE'RE SAFE ! \o/

Also, MASCHERA is followed by : BLAM HONEY, MUCC, LAREINE, Vidoll, Eliphas Levi, Schwarz Stein, PENICILLIN, Satsuki, Gothika, lynch., Pierre Lapointe, Nightmare, Missalina Rei and Evanescence...
So this would be my top 20...


Ok.  So this is the best playlist EVAR :
→Blood Stain Child
→Dir en grey
→Eliphas Levi
→Luna Sea
→Noir Fleurir
→Vidoll (pre-major ONLY >8( )

\o/ FUCK YEAH \o/

Oh... I'll add Missalina Rei too. *nods*

Damn... I had no hide tag D8....


Duuuuh !

Subject: To Die-san Is there something that you must have when composing songs?

Die: Music maker.

DUH.  I mean... Seriously ?! You're kidding, right ?

Some fans must be like... kinda... Disapointed by the guys' answers... Ahah XD
And there's me being like lolomgroflolmao (Try to say this loud ! 8D)

Subject: Kaoru-sanWhich artist does Kaoru-san respects and looks up to?
Also if there's an episode about that artist, please tell us about it.

Kaoru: HIDE.
There's also not much episode to talk about! I only just really like him.

Girl........ Come on.  That was really... Clueless.  Really.  Like in REALLY.
It's as if you were asking me what was my favorite band.... Or if you asked Kaya if he liked roses... Or what was Dada's favorite kind of underwear....  Or if you asked Die if he liked girls... Ah... ah... Forget about that one, actually.................... ;D

Safari is screwing up my entries........ >_>.......................................................
Errr.... Mac stuff and me = 2 -.-
Not that I'm in love with Microsoft shits... I guess it's only that I'm used to those ? ... Bleh. (The same goes for Adobe PhotoShop which I hate cause I'm used to Corel PhotoPaint... Even though both do the exact same job... But I hate PhotoShop D8< From the bottom of my heart !)
And I'm not enough of a geek to switch to Linux...
Anyway, when you know how to debug Windows, everything is fine 8B

Let's end on a GAY note :

Damn... It's already 4:40AM.... D8
Shit >.<


Monday, May 17, 2010

Quelle Princesse, quand même !

Je l'aurais crue plus mature que ça...Faut croire que je l'ai surestimée...
Elle qui me parlait de maturité... Fufufufu~


Friday, May 14, 2010

LJ's writer's block.

Holy shit, dude ! 


The banner is ugly, I know KTHNXBAI.

HA !

That's all... Not much to say, but that I might change it like... next week cause I'm sick of this one already...
Also, I wanted another pic, something worse than this... But... Err... Anyway >_>...
Actually, this picture kinda rox mah sox, so... Gneh.
BUT YEAH.  ME LIEKS DAH BLOG'S NEW NAEM.  It actually goes well with my current mood... Ha...

This being said, I might add some Dir en grey to my playlist... Cause I'm cool like that.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010



I must say that Kaya kinda annoys me, here... But... Oh well... (Read here : If the next single sucks, Goodbye, Mister Queen.)

I added some pre-major Vidoll and some Pierrot to my playlist ♥
But since MUCC has more songs (They fucking have a lot of songs o_ô...) I guess that they'll go over LAREINE before Vidoll do....

Ah and Josy... The Vidoll song I wasn't sure about on lab.+Phantasmagoria+Metronome+Vidoll's DVD, I think it's Gekka Bijiningyou... and there's a part where I hear like "Rise upon your stick" and I'm like.... Yeah....



I had an idea for a photo...
In the end, I couldn't find my hat, so I ended up looking like a Saloon Cancan dancer.

I'm pissed off.  I need a personal photographer who'll follow me 24/7 è______________é

I'm really pissed off -___-
I mean... You pose in front of the mirror, you're oh so gorgeous and then you pose in front of the camera and YOU JUST SUCK.

So yeah, love it or die, man.  

Oh yeah. One more thing.
I know the background kills your eyes. Fuck you, 'kay ? D8<


By the way, I know the picture isn't this bad, I'm just pissed cause it wasn't what I actually wanted.


It happens that I sketch things.

Phew !
I haven't draw anything in a whole century DX
But still... I guess it's not so bad for a sketch...
Oh well...

But yeah, there's a... story... behind this.
In Québec City, we have a kind of festival which reconstitutes the time when French conquered what is now Canada (and United-States)'s east coast... And we may find back those gorgeous ladies of the time (along with bourgeois, noble class people, millitaries, common people and... Pirates)... And since I'm currently reading Lady Oscar, I had a dress strutting (yeah !) in my head...
But since I hate pastel colors and golden and the like, I made a goth version... This is... ROCOGOTH. HA !

Now, I only need to find a rococo dress pattern and edit it a bit.... It will surely be a bit different from the sketch, but who cares.
It will cost an arm and a leg for the fabric and I'll have no life for a while, with this, but it will worth it.

And yes, I like my watermark. I know you do too.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tabarnak, Hazuki.....

It's hot-

I've already arranged my sandal debut.

These are BEAMS' leather sandals I bought last year

This year I want silver, regardless of the brand.

Sandals :




I hope she knows that her avi isn't Shinya.

She surely does (I really hope she does o_o)... But still when they do some *someone*-days like this, they usually put an avi of the one concerned...

Which reminds me that picture so many people thought it was Shinya while it actually was Hakuei... Lol.

Bonus :

Subject: To Kyo-san
No matter what, during moments when you want to run away, I can't really face it onwards, what does Kyo-san do?

Kyo: Masochistically attack myself

If fangirls follow every... tips... the guys give.... What a way of living gurl !!!!!!!!
Maybe somewhere in this world, there's a 15 years old dummy cutting herself, drinking alcohol to get more friends, buying cat plushies, crying her life cause Dir en grey isn't music for a wedding and bought the tabs thing books they released to learn to play guitar and bass and drum without any classes...and... and... Yeah...

I actually looked at my Dir en grey tag for that one..................
Man........ I'm such a retarded fangirl >XD
I'm not sure I'm really 21... buhuhu...


Stolen to Lillie-Joe~~~~

What is important to you as of right now?
o.o ............. Now that I'm thinking about it.............. Nothing much... Really.

Would your girlfriend/boyfriend be mad if they saw you kissing someone else?
I'm single.

How are you feeling right now?
Eh... I feel like I should go to bed, like I'm about to sneeze to... But I know I won't.  In both cases.

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
Erm... Beside my maleself, no.

Are you listening to music right now?
Of course~
MASCHERA - condor

Which reminds me about The Mysterious Cities of Gold (Taiyou no ko Esteban)....

Did you kiss anyone today?

Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
I still want this little pink spider on my right hand or behind my left ear.
I still want this uroboros on my right shoulder blade.
I still want Jack & Sally's silhouettes I don't know where.
I still want this "ain't afraid to die" across my right arm or something.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Someone who called at job for an information.

Is it hard for you to admit when you’re wrong?
Depends of the situation... But most likely yes.  I'm someone really proud, so...

Do you curse in front of your parents?
Not like I cared... Saying "ostie" and "criss" in Québec is just normal when you're over 13.

Is there something someone should know about?
There's always something someone should know about.  Now if there is something someone should know concerning me, not really.

Last time you saw fireworks, with who & where?
I feel like the last time I saw fireworks was ages ago... I can't remember, haha !

Are you afraid of roller coasters?
Are you kidding me ? I LOOOVE rollercoasters ♥
Even though I scream like in little girl in those... wwww

What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Nothing special ?

Are you slowly drifting away from someone?
It usually something I don't realize I'm doing it, so...

When was the last time you felt unbearably guilty?
Hum... It's not really something I can tell here, believe me. But it wasn't unbearable, actually... If it was unbearable, I would have killed myself.

Have you ever kissed anyone who’s name started with an A?
..... No ?

Can you play guitar hero?
I can.  But I suck at it.

Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
Spring/Autumn, KTHXBAI.
Or cold weather for summer time.

How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?
I'm not a fortune teller. 

When a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go?
 If they walk out of my life, it's probably cause they think it's better that way, so I let them go.  I can't force anyone to stay close to me, that'd be overselfish.

Have you ever kissed in the rain?
No.  Why do people think it's SOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING ROOOOOMANTICAL ?!?! -__-

Do you know anyone who is pregnant?
Know is a strong word, but I know that someone is pregnant.

Does anyone hate you?
Funny question.

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
I guess it depends... I wish I would have given a little less second chance to some people in my life.

Who was the last girl you talked to?
A client.

Who was the last guy you talked to?
A client !

Are you trying to avoid liking somebody at the moment?
LOL WHUT !??!?!?!?! What the FUCK is that question ?!?!?! Avoid liking someone... OMFG, what a joke.  Be true to your heart, darling, please !

When was the last time someone called you baby?
If ever someone calls me baby and is serious about it, I'll slap them.
Or at least, be like.... -___-

Who was the last person you had an argument with?

When was the last time you were really confused?

Has anybody ever given you butterflies?
Hum... Yeah.

Do you have nice eyes?
Of course ! I've the nicest eyes in the entire world.  And if you don't agree you may also make yourself blind.

Whose birthday is coming up?
May... Wait... Hum... Spatu's.

Were you happy when you woke up?
I never get up happy.  Not that I'm emo or something, just that my brain takes some times to turn on and to give me emotions.

Who was the last person that called you?
That annoying woman and I missed the call, oops.

Do you plan on moving out next year?
Next July, not next year.


Monday, May 10, 2010


Uhuhuh *w*
(Y a rien que moi qui trouve qu'on dirait qu'il botche ses cheveux, dernièrement ? Oo....)


I like it xD

Everything get along so well... Especially DJ OZMA and G-Dragon... ahah.


Waka and I have the same Marilyn Monroe tank top >XD

I wasn't sure, at first, and I was like... "It looks like my......."

Oh !
It's the same ! ww

♥ H&M ♥


Flavie has a shirt with this on it...

You must admit that it FUCKING looks like Mana.
C'est tout.



You all know that I have a Pico Die, right ?

Now you do, if you didn't before, ha.

Some people on Pico are dumb enough to think that J-rockers would go on Pico and show their "real" name and stuff (cause yeah, my Pico Die is called AndoDaisuke, add him at your own risk ! Pffffff !)

He really thought he was talking to THE Die.  Hahah xDDD He was all like... OMG I SHOOK DIE'S HAND !
And I was like.... Lol........................... Yeah, virtually... Get over it, it's just fucking Pico, man... XDDDD

Aaaaah... people are idiots~
The worst in this is that I'm not like HEY GUYS ! DID YOU KNOW THAT I WAS A FUCKING ROCKSTAR, BITCHES ?! and making so that people believe I'm THE one.... Actually, I'm usually only trolling with this account... With other Pico-Jrockers XDD Just so that people go "D8< WTF?!?!?" =3

So yeah.... Fantards ♥


There's only me to...

Oh... And I'll add some MASCHERA too...

Here it is.
Actually........... I just wanna get LAREINE out of my top listening -.- ....
Not that I'm ashamed of it, just that they're on the top cause they have quite a lot of songs -.- ...

Ah oO Dir en grey is now over 2000 plays... Haven't noticed yet...
But yeah... since Flavie overabused of Garden.... LOL. (yeah, that explains this...)

Ah... Maybe I should add some PENICILLIN too....
Yeah... I will...

Fuck thos recommandations, seriously -_-
They recommand me like... the studs → I fucking HATE Daisuke's vocal and I think they suck
Gazette → They suck.
Alice Nine → They FUCKING suck.
Girugämesh → They're not as bad as the other, but still.... I'm not much into them.  Good vocal, though... For once...

Similar to MUCC, Dir en grey, Deadman...
Similar to Dir en grey, Nightmare, AnCafe (You gotta explain me what's so similar between Gazette and AnCafe o_o....)
Similar to Dir en grey, MUCC, Nightmare....

I guess that if I didn't liked Dir en grey............................................................ Hum... Oh... I'll add some Nightmare to the playlist too *nods*
And I'm not even listening to AnCafe -.- ... Only when Winamp's shuffle option decides to play some... >_>...



Here are my last keywords :

ameblo Toshiya
Lol whut ? As far as I know, none of Dir en grey's member has an Ameblo...

madam trucy
It's Madame Trucy è_é

kaya ameblo
Here, darling →

barbie winnebago jouet

blog madame trucy lolz.

"je n'sais pas" chanson de Réal béland
Sandra Paul ♥ ♥ ♥
J'ai le MP3, si tu veux >XD

közi ameblo
Közi's blog is on his OHP.  →
I think it's funny that the one who made this research was japanese (but used and looked at my Kaya tag... wwww

I wanna say that if you find any ameblogs other than those I've just given for the mentionned artists, they're most likely fake ones...


Sunday, May 09, 2010


Tu comprends tu que l'autre, là... Y'a fucking une face de pervers ?! Marf !
Fait que ouin, on sait que Kaya s'est tappé tout amber gris ce soir-là.  Surtout lui. HA !
Mais ouin, c'te lui-là, là... sa face me rend vraiment perplexe.... Y'a vraiment l'air d'un trype qui raconte que des belles paroles aux gens pour les amenés dans son lit .____.;;;
Tant qu'à faire, j,vais aller chercher son nom -.- .... Bon, ça l'air que c'est Kaname... gnu.


Thursday, May 06, 2010

Ô_Ô...... When we're up to this, it's not Fuck-My-Life anymore, it's Fuck-YOUR-Life...


Those are my 500 last blog visitors :

363    Canada       
49    France   
41    United States   
12    Japan   
8    Switzerland   
5    Kuwait   
3    Germany   
2    Russia   
2    Singapore   
2    Netherlands   
2    Sweden   
2    Croatia   
1    Finland   
1    Indonesia   
1    Korea   
1    Brazil   
1    Australia   
1    Poland   
1    Ukraine   
1    Denmark   
1    Spain 

Seriously, I have trouble getting it. I know that Pico brought me a few visitors.... But still...

There way more no-life people in this world than what you may think. 



Beside the fact that my face is... ITCHY D8< (You damned cheap make-up !)
I wanted to......... Show you.............. This : 
I giev kandiez to hoo-evaa noez hoo dis iez.
Actually....................................... The bellow the belt part kinda gives it away.  HA !
Oops... Did I just said that loud ? >8B

Ok, now I'm gonna take this make-up off D8<
And take a shower. *nods*

Edit : Here.
It wasn't Gackt at all. LOL.  But I thought this answer was... Funny. HA !
I told you the under the belt part was giving it away ! Gackt = Ken doll, so... PFFF.
So yeah :

So yeah, not Gackt. Like... 20cm less than this. HA !


I know you missed it.


Cause you all remembered it from 2007.... :

I was lazy to glue the glitters -.- ...
Anyway, it won't come off easily, so....



How many New Vogue Children in becoming came ?

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